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Category Archives for "economic decline"

ObamaCare Future? EU Healthcare Crisis- Healthcare Budgets Slashed, Services Cut, Long Waiting Lists

By Terry | economic decline , Government Spending , Inflation , National Debt , Obamacare , Socialism

The promises of Obamacare are already wearing thin as premiums rise and tens of thousands are forcibly dumped from their individual plans. It is already becoming clear that the public was lied to as the plan that Obama claimed was not a tax was labeled a tax by the Supreme Court decision to keep it […]

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The Federal Reserve’s 100th Birthday is Not a Cause for Celebration! Part 3

By Terry | Central Banking Conspiracy , economic decline , Federal Reserve , Government Spending

So, just what benefits has the public gotten from the advent of the Federal Reserve to warrant a celebration of its 100th anniversary? Well, let’s hear from some who should know. Noting the similarities as Congress neared a vote, they called an Ohio attorney named, Alfred Crozier to testify. Crozier noted the similarities between the […]

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The Federal Reserve’s 100th Birthday is Not a Cause for Celebration! Part 1

By Terry | Central Banking Conspiracy , economic decline , Federal Reserve , Government Spending

Federal Reserve Note

Most people don’t understand the so-called Federal Reserve System. They don’t know: How the Federal Reserve began How the Federal Reserve System works What the Federal Reserve System actually is Because of that ignorance, we all assume that its name and the deference it receives from the media and politicians means- it must be an […]

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More Signs of Decline as Illegal Immigrants Line Up for More Freebies in New Jersey

By Terry | American Decline , economic decline , individualism , National Debt , Personal Liberty

Ancient empires like Rome and Greece fell into decline when certain factors grew. One of those factors, overlooked in our current day of course, was the growth of the welfare state. Fact is, when special classes are rewarded without work with special privileges the social fabric of the state or nation declines. Theft of the […]

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