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Category Archives for "Federal Reserve"

The Federal Reserve’s 100th Birthday Not a Cause for Celebration! Part 2

By Terry | Central Banking Conspiracy , Federal Reserve , Government Spending , National Debt

Nelson Adlrich- A Federal Reserve Founder

Continuing with the NPR tale on the Federal Reserve’s 100th anniversary, when we last left off, JP Morgan had rescued America from the panic of 1907. But according to the story, having J.P. Morgan in charge is a precipitous situation. For who, however, is an important unanswered question here. Nevertheless, the NPR yarn continues: Goldstein: […]

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The Federal Reserve’s 100th Birthday is Not a Cause for Celebration! Part 1

By Terry | Central Banking Conspiracy , economic decline , Federal Reserve , Government Spending

Federal Reserve Note

Most people don’t understand the so-called Federal Reserve System. They don’t know: How the Federal Reserve began How the Federal Reserve System works What the Federal Reserve System actually is Because of that ignorance, we all assume that its name and the deference it receives from the media and politicians means- it must be an […]

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Fed Running Out of Options. Now Calling for More Debt Based Inflation

By Terry | American Decline , Central Banking Conspiracy , Federal Reserve , Government Spending , National Debt

When an economy is based on debt like every central banking based financial system on the planet, it has been shown to eventually fail. This is a historical precedent, not a prediction. It is not a statement of prejudice towards central banking and fiat currencies, it is a historical reality that has happened to every […]

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Is the Federal Reserve Really Federal or is it Privately Held?

By Terry | American Decline , Conspiracy Facts , Economic Collapse , Federal Reserve , Government Spending , Inflation , National Debt

Henry Ford on Banking

Hardly anyone knows what the Federal Reserve is really about. Most think they are a government entity. Fact is, they are not. They are a private cartel of international financiers who issue and control our money supply and interest rates. It costs all of us our earned income and savings through ever growing inflation.

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Obama Budget Deceptions- Reality Before the State of the Union Deception (Uh, I mean Address)

By Terry | American Decline , Federal Reserve , Government Spending , Inflation , National Debt

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”georgia” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]O[/dropcap]bama’s White House is playing the fear and guilt cards when talking about raising the debt ceiling and warning about budget cuts. Tonight before his State of the Union Address, let’s check out the reality of his track record. After all actions do speak louder than words don’t they? (At least […]

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