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Category Archives for "The Constitution"

If Guns are the Cause, then Should We Pre-empt Further Violence and Strictly Control the Use of Knives and Axes and Box Cutters……..and Hammers even?

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights , Gun Control , The Constitution

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”times” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]O[/dropcap]n the very same day that Adam Lanza went on his killing spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the event below took place in Central China at 7:40 a.m. as children were entering their school gates. An elderly woman was also injured in the attack. Apparently, it must be noted, that […]

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“Deja Vu all over again.” The right to keep and bear arms once again being tampered with.

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights , Constitutional , The Constitution

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”arial” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]O[/dropcap]ur fearless leader just spoke and outlined his plan to secure our safety by instituting more controls over our right to keep and bear arms. So with that in mind I think it would be prudent to take a closer look at the 2nd Amendment. However, in order to understand the […]

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