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So, just what benefits has the public gotten from the advent of the Federal Reserve to warrant a celebration of its 100th anniversary? Well, let’s hear from some who should know.
Noting the similarities as Congress neared a vote, they called an Ohio attorney named, Alfred Crozier to testify.
Crozier noted the similarities between the Aldrich Bill and the Glass-Owen Bill but also made some other important observations that still stand today, perhaps even more so:
The bill grants just what Wall Street and the big banks for twenty-five years have been striving for – private instead of public control of currency. It (the Glass-Owen Bill) does this as completely as the Aldrich Bill.
Both measures rob the government and the people of all effective control over the public’s money, and vest in the banks exclusively the dangerous power to make money among the people scarce or plenty.
During the debate on the bill, Senators complained that big banks were using their financial muscle to influence the outcome.
“There are bankers in this country that are enemies of the public welfare,” said one senator.
Ignoring all charges of fraud and corruption, the bill was deceptively voted on during the lame duck session period on December 23rd, 1913. We all know how active Congress is during the holidays. Fact is, like most public servants, they are not.
Most Senators had left town during the holidays, after being assured by the leadership that nothing would be done about the bill until Congress reconvened after the Christmas recess. That was another ruse which worked. Reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi’s- “You have to pass the bill to find out what is in it.”, in fact.
On the day the bill was passed, Congressman Lindberg prophetically warned his countrymen:
This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized.
The people may not know it immediately, but the day or reckoning is only a few years removed. The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill.
Lindberg’s words have proved to be as prophetic as many of the Anti-Federalists were about the Constitutional construction of the Supreme Court developing into a monopoly later on because of its design. Or as Robert Yates under the pen name of Brutus put it:
The Supreme Court envisioned under the Constitution would become a source of massive abuse because they were beyond the control “both of the people and the legislature,” and not subject to being “corrected by any power above them.”
Turns out that Lindberg was just as prophetic with his predictions on the Federal Reserve construction.
It has become a source of massive abuse as our growing national debt reflects. It is not subject to any power above them as they are “hands off” territory when it comes to Congressional action – claiming the need for freedom from Congressional political manipulation so they can remain objective. Except that the objectivity applies to their cartel’s needs, not the public’s.
For more details about this deception, watch the following video on YouTube from the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island:
[youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/Dba9OY0QatU” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]http://bit.ly/2ukACda[/youtube_advanced]
Essentially, what we were given was a cartel of private financiers or international bankers who have a stranglehold on our currency and our economy…
1. By controlling the issue of our money and its borrowing costs- AKA the interest rate (which today encourages spending over saving because of the outrageously low interest rates and therefore encourages even more personal spending over saving and thereby more debt for the Federal Reserve system.)
2. Who act for their benefit ( by creating massive debt) and not for the benefit of the public who would better operate from a low inflationary environment and stable currency.
With control of the supply of our currency and interest rates comes control of the economy along with active power to control other institutions like:
Consequently, these same institutions have conditioned us to accept this cartel as “good” for us, inflation as normal, debt based, irredeemable, fiat currency as helpful. It is not!
The current massive level of national debt, over $66,000 per man-woman and child, is the largest in the history of the world!
Like all debt based currency systems, it is destined to implode. As our debt continues to grow, that time of implosion is growing shorter.
Financial history demonstrates- debt based systems from Athens and Rome to current times always fail…always, no exceptions. Watch the video series below for more on this issue:
[youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/DyV0OfU3-FU” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]http://bit.ly/2ukACda[/youtube_advanced]Additionally, along with the Federal Reserve nearly at the same time (6 months after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in fact) came our Federal Income Tax.
The hidden purpose of the income tax most have no idea about?
To pay the debt owed to the Federal Reserve cartel for issuing our money out of thin air- a privilege generated by our wonderful politicians.
Do politicians ever bother to take action on reducing taxes for the majority of us? If they were really sincere about that, they would talk about reducing the size of government. Instead if taxes are reduced, they talk about adding to the deficit. How will we cover that loss of Federal income?
Why not reduce the size and thereby the cost of government? That would reduce the need for more money from taxes wouldn’t it? Except it would also bite the hand that feeds them- the Federal Reserve.
Income taxes were initiated to guarantee the payment of the interest on the national debt generated by money from nothing from the “printing press” (a euphemism for electronically generated money) of the Federal Reserve cartel. Cutting taxes puts their guarantee of interest payments on the debt to the Federal Reserve in jeopardy.
There is, of course, more to be said and understood about the Fed. This is but a little nibble at the ways that they control our lives and the planet under the buzz word cover of globalization in concert with other central banks.
For more on this important issue read or listen to the video and/or audio above.
Get up to speed on this topic. It will fill in a lot of gaps and explain much if you take the time to do your homework. In fact, you will probably never look at banking, government and our politicians the same again.
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