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By Terry | American Decline
What does the word free evoke in your mind when you use it? Something for nothing of course.
However, it also implies something unencumbered by external controls or unrestrained.
So when our politicians and media use the word free with the word trade, what would you expect that trade to be like?
Wouldn’t you expect that the agreements entered into between the nations be without encumbrance from government or without interference from bureaucrats?
Well, that is not the case of these agreements at all!
If, for example, we go to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, the U.S. – Columbia Trade Agreement, it is described as the best thing for this nation since sliced bread:
We read about how duty free the goods become. How Obama’s signing of this agreement is opening up new markets that will help our economy. It’s as though, tiny Columbia was formerly a closed market for us until this “free trade” agreement were signed.
Of course, the fact that illegal immigrants and drug trafficking also come from Columbia is never brought into the description or discussion.
The reality is all of these free trade agreements are jam packed with regulations.
This is in no way “free trade” in the sense one would think of the word “free”.
In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is heavily regulated trade under the WTO!
These agreements even set up a court system- regulated by the WTO of course. Court systems without appeal as well.
These systems are international entanglements NOT free trade! Something George Washington warned us against in his farewell address. A warning that we no longer take heed of, particularly under these agreements.
Read through the Columbia agreement here.
Note how many “shalls” there are. Chapter Two for example begins: “Each Party shall accord national treatment to the goods of another Party in accordance with Article III of the GATT 1994, including its interpretive notes…mutatis mutandis” (Meaning changing only what is necessary to be changed.)
Does this sound like “free” trade already with the WTO and the UN involved through GATT 1994? After all according to the WTO– “The GATT 1947 is the very source of the current WTO system because its basic principles have been incorporated into other WTO agreements” It provides the dispute settlement provisions upon which the WTO dispute settlement system is built.
The regulations in these agreements are massive and growing.
Browse through the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) for example. You will find one regulation after another, all under the control of the UN agency, the WTO.
And they continue to grow, mutatis mutandis of course. All designed to bind each participant nation’s trade sovereignty under the WTO and subsequently the United Nations. The New World Order that George W. Bush mentioned in the first article in this series. Not free at all in fact.
Move on to Part Three of the Free Trade Deception– Building the New World Order.
Some resources to fill out the reality of the “free trade” agenda and who profits most from it:
The Free Trade Deception – Part Three – Building Blocks of the New World Order
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