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Some Final Thoughts on the Guns and Ammo Article- Part 3

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , American Decline , anti God , anti religion , Bill of Rights , Central Banking Conspiracy , collectivism , Economic Collapse , Federal Reserve , Government Deception , Gun Control , National Debt , New World Order

Just a few random thoughts about the Guns and Ammo article and the response of the subscribers to the article. While I fully applaud and appreciate their response and pray for more of the same from informed citizens, it is only one issue. While it is an important issue and can reach far, it is […]

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Heads Roll at Guns and Ammo Over Editorial on the 2nd Amendment – The Power of Informed Citizens, Part 1

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights , Gun Control , Military , Personal Liberty

I was working on my hunter friend’s computer at work the other day which was ailing. As the processes were taking some time to run, I picked up an issue of Guns and Ammo (December 2013) he had around and browsed through it. On the last page was the closing editorial entitled “Let’s Talk Limits: […]

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ObamaCare Future? EU Healthcare Crisis- Healthcare Budgets Slashed, Services Cut, Long Waiting Lists

By Terry | economic decline , Government Spending , Inflation , National Debt , Obamacare , Socialism

The promises of Obamacare are already wearing thin as premiums rise and tens of thousands are forcibly dumped from their individual plans. It is already becoming clear that the public was lied to as the plan that Obama claimed was not a tax was labeled a tax by the Supreme Court decision to keep it […]

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Obama State of the Union Speech- Rhetoric vs. Reality

By Terry | Government Deception , government growth , Socialism , State of the Union , The Constitution , war

When I listen to politicians, most of the time I find myself getting irritated, edgy and sometimes downright angry. Obama’s 2014 State of the Union address was no exception. There were so many points of disagreement that I hardly know where to start. As pointed out by the New American magazine the dude is pushing […]

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The Federal Reserve’s 100th Birthday is Not a Cause for Celebration! Part 3

By Terry | Central Banking Conspiracy , economic decline , Federal Reserve , Government Spending

So, just what benefits has the public gotten from the advent of the Federal Reserve to warrant a celebration of its 100th anniversary? Well, let’s hear from some who should know. Noting the similarities as Congress neared a vote, they called an Ohio attorney named, Alfred Crozier to testify. Crozier noted the similarities between the […]

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The Federal Reserve’s 100th Birthday Not a Cause for Celebration! Part 2

By Terry | Central Banking Conspiracy , Federal Reserve , Government Spending , National Debt

Nelson Adlrich- A Federal Reserve Founder

Continuing with the NPR tale on the Federal Reserve’s 100th anniversary, when we last left off, JP Morgan had rescued America from the panic of 1907. But according to the story, having J.P. Morgan in charge is a precipitous situation. For who, however, is an important unanswered question here. Nevertheless, the NPR yarn continues: Goldstein: […]

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