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Category Archives for "Illegal Immigration"

Obama Ignoring the Constitution to Promote Migration Over Immigration

By Terry | Constitutional , Illegal Immigration , The Constitution

I heard a media “expert” on CNN state that there was nothing unconstitutional about Obama’s latest executive order on illegal immigration (referring to this Marxist as a “Constitutional scholar” to boot). Read the part of the Constitution that refers to the executive branch (Article II, Section 2). There is absolutely nothing in there that gives […]

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The Illegal Children Immigrant Crisis- More Preparation for the New World Order?

By Terry | American Decline , Free Trade , Government Deception , Illegal Immigration , New World Order

The latest manipulation of the by the New World Order manipulators is illegal immigration taking the form of innocent children. Dig a little however and  you’ll find more than innocent children are at the heart of this engineered matter. No Resistance from the Mexican Government CNN showed a reporter of theirs crossing with illegals on […]

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Illegal Immigrants Paid $4.2 Billion to Stay in U.S. Last Year with Bigger Tax Refunds than You.

By Terry | American Decline , Government Spending , Illegal Immigration , Socialism

A bombshell report released in October 2013 by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) fellow David North reveals that the Treasury sent a whopping $4.2 Billion in Additional Child Tax Credits (ACTC) to the families of illegal aliens in 2012. Reporter Bob Segall of WHTR-TV ran his first report on the scam on April 26, […]

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