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By Terry | 1st amendment
Anyone who watched the behavior of the protestors in Berkeley against the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulous on campus, who had a shred of common decency and civility, had to be offended and ashamed of our youth and the behavior of our citizens.
As summarized by an article posted at The New American:
How Does Shutting Down Free Speech with Violence Constitute Freedom of Speech I Wonder?
Protesters at Berkeley “broke windows, set off fireworks, and threw smoke bombs and flares, creating a dangerous environment for students and the public” in anticipation of Yiannopoulos’ speech on February 1. They wore masks and started a large fire just outside of the building where Yiannopoulos was supposed to speak, and set off fireworks and hurled rocks at police officers. At least six people were injured in the violence as Trump supporters were assaulted by the protesters.
Hmmmm…..this certainly does not sound like a way of securing “free speech” one would think.
After all the first amendment reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The key words there are “abridging the freedom of speech” and “peaceably to assemble” both phrases of which were roundly ignored during the events that transpired.
Apart from the blatant hypocrisy, perhaps there may be some clues left when it was discovered which groups were involved in the disgraceful behavior expressed during this event and who funded these paid professional activists.
The event was more along the lines of being peaceful involving mainly students until a group of about 150 thugs in masks and a lot of black hoodies arrived. Then things got ugly. Real ugly. Real fast.
So who were these protestors? And why the rapid escalation to civil disorder and violence. Well, it turns out that a good number of them were identified with a group called Refuse Fascism.
This funded organization is a group of paid anarchists who receive their money from another anarchist group called Alliance for Global Justice.
As it turns out one of the larger funding sources of Alliance is the Tides Foundation which is a George Soros organization. A summary of the Alliance can be found at Discover the Networks.
So let’s take a closer look at how the dots connect.
The donation page of Refuse Fascism states:
To support our educational activities and make a tax-deductible donation by mail, make your check out to Alliance for Global Justice” (our fiscal sponsor; you can use the abbreviation AFGJ), designate Refuse Fascism in the memo and mail to the address above. RefuseFascism.org is a fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justice, a registered 501(c)3.
The Alliance for Global Justice received over $2.2 million from the Tides Foundation and Open Society Foundation both directly funded by and connected to- George Soros. The Alliance claims to condemn “the consumptive excesses” and “unrestrained Western consumerism” of “wealthy nations” and “multinational corporations”. Typical Marxist inspired buzzwords from the left.
The two guiding lights of the Alliance’s organizations are its two co-coordinators:
At Jeff Sessions hearing, someone suddenly broke out into an intentionally disruptive and quite loud chant- “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA”
That person was Carl Dix who is described as a founding member of Refuse Fascism on their website. You can hear the incident in the YouTube video below:
On the Refuse Fascism website, Carl Dix is listed on the Initiators page as a “founding member, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA“.
This video of an interview with Carl Dix on RT (Russia Today– A Communist Propaganda Arm based in Moscow) tells a lot about Carl Dix and Refuse Fascism- A Whole Lot!
[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51c2FD8-E9A” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]Carl Dix’s income is derived from being a professional agitator. The fact that Soros funds an organization represented by this declared Communist, as the video indicates, says a lot about who George Soros funds and for what intent.
Communist intent is alive and well in our nation and the escalation of violence in our society aimed at Trump is a clear indication of its presence.
All of this points to a well funded and orchestrated intent to these protests. The left has had their way for decades, particularly under Marxist inspired Barack Obama. Now, they are fighting back to retain all they put into place.
They want nothing less than a transformation of America into their idyllic Marxist dream world of a Communist society. A dream which is losing ground with Donald Trump as President.
They hate Trump because in their twisted minds he represents what they hate – capitalism. In their indoctrinated minds, capitalism equals imperialism.
In the name of their always failed idealist dream, they will do everything they can legal or illegal to suppress anything they define as a capitalist. They want to replace their bugaboo of capitalism with tyranny against anyone or any institution that does not bend to the will of their idyllic State.
It is all part of a strategy first to turn our nation into a socialist society. Then, ultimately into a full-blown Communist utopia. A dream world that only flawed human beings can conjure up.
If you want to learn how this strategy works watch this 14-minute snippet from a longer speech given in 1968, nearly half a century ago, by G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve.
Griffin speaks about how Communists define and look at Socialism as their primary means of converting the United States capitalist system into a Communist State. Empirical facts about the failure of socialism do not count in their brain-washed minds. Just the replacement of imperialist capitalism.
G. Edward relates the experience of a refugee from Communist rule to clarify why Communists look at Socialism differently. He accompanies this with direct statements from Communist literature of the time to confirm his points.
Take the time to watch the 14-minute segment below. It will clarify much of what you witness happening today, with both the leftist activists and leftist politicians like Sanders, Obama, and the far-left Democrats.
[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw850mIDmfg” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]To see the full presentation click here. You will leave with a deeper understanding of much of what you see going on today.
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