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Category Archives for "The Constitution"

If the Constitution Was the Solution, Why Hasn’t It Worked?- Part Six

By Terry | anti Christian , anti religion , Constitutional , French Revolution , The Constitution

If you sincerely want to understand how our government has become the monster it has grown into, you have to learn to recognize where you’ve been had, bamboozled, took etc. as Malcolm X put it, or in common terms just plain flat-out been lied to. If you have been following along from the beginning. you […]

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If the Constitution Was the Solution- Why Hasn’t It Worked- Part Two

By Terry | anti God , anti religion , Constitutional , Government conspiracy , The Constitution

As noted in the first post on this issue, it’s pretty obvious that the Constitution is not working as we are told it was intended to. We have been led to believe it was originally designed to limit our government, in turn both protecting and maximizing our personal freedom. The flag is all wrapped around it. […]

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If the Constitution Was the Solution, Why Hasn’t It Worked?- Part One

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , Constitutional , Gun Control , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

As a reformed Constitutionalist, I suggest that the Constitution has been an abject failure. First, however, let me explain what I mean by “reformed” so that you can have a better understanding of where I am coming from here. At one time, as anyone taking a conservative position naturally would in these times, I firmly […]

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Obama Ignoring the Constitution to Promote Migration Over Immigration

By Terry | Constitutional , Illegal Immigration , The Constitution

I heard a media “expert” on CNN state that there was nothing unconstitutional about Obama’s latest executive order on illegal immigration (referring to this Marxist as a “Constitutional scholar” to boot). Read the part of the Constitution that refers to the executive branch (Article II, Section 2). There is absolutely nothing in there that gives […]

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Obama State of the Union Speech- Rhetoric vs. Reality

By Terry | Government Deception , government growth , Socialism , State of the Union , The Constitution , war

When I listen to politicians, most of the time I find myself getting irritated, edgy and sometimes downright angry. Obama’s 2014 State of the Union address was no exception. There were so many points of disagreement that I hardly know where to start. As pointed out by the New American magazine the dude is pushing […]

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This is What Happens When We Let Obama Get Away with Creating Laws at the Stroke of a Pen

By Terry | American Decline , Bill of Rights , collectivism , Constitutional , individualism , natural law , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

As I noted in my last post, Obama has no Constitutional authority to create laws at the stroke of a pen with his so-called “executive” orders. He has NO such authority granted to him under our rule of law, the document he took an oath to uphold and defend. If we let the executive undermine […]

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