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By Terry | American Decline
Discovery that John Brennan was a Muslim convert or, at the very least, a strong admirer of this faith, is a bit unsettling.
After all, the CIA is responsible for a great deal of hidden support in foreign nations. Having a Muslim in the White House as the CIA Director wouldn’t seem to me like someone who would strike fear in the hearts of radical Islamic terrorists, particularly after his first speech.
Since it quite evident that Muslim terrorists hate the Western way of life, Why would you want someone sympathetic to their cause as the director of an organization that should be an opponent of their radical activities?
Below is a talk that Brennan delivered in the White House after his appointment which is obvious from the WH.gov label in the top right corner of the video:
[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VQbAhqHoAo” controls=”no”]
It seems to me that the first sentence of this clip tells us how hardcore Director Brennan will be towards Muslims:
But for more than three decades, I have also had the tremendous fortune to travel the world and as part of that experience to learn about the goodness and beauty of Islam. Like the President during his childhood years in Jakarta, I came to see Islam not for how it is often misrepresented but for what it is. How it is practiced every day by well over a billion Muslims worldwide. A faith of peace and tolerance and great diversity.
“Goodness and beauty of Islam“? Really? What Islam has he been observing operating on our planet, I wonder?
“A faith of peace and tolerance“? I would think that a CIA Director would be required to be more conscious than this when observing our current global circumstances and the realities thereof. Heck, they don’t even have tolerance for other Muslims who disagree with their particular view of Islam, like the endless Sunni-Shiite conflict.
At the time of this writing, here are some of the latest peace, tolerance, beauty, and goodness activities of this wonderfully accepting faith of peace and tolerance. There are many more examples:
Pakistan: 150 arrested for burning Christian homes
By Zaheer Babar- Associated Press – Sun, March 10, 2013
Associated Press/K.M. Chaudary – An angry mob reacts after burning Christian houses in Lahore, Pakistan, Saturday, March 9, 2013. A mob of hundreds of people in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore attacked a Christian neighborhood Saturday and set fire to homes after hearing accusations that a Christian man had committed blasphemy against Islam’s prophet Mohammed, said a police officer. Placard center reads, ” Blasphemer is liable to death.” (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)
LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) — Police have arrested around 150 people accused of burning dozens of Christian houses in eastern Pakistan after a non-Muslim was accused of making offensive comments about Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, police said Sunday as Christians rallied against the destruction.
The Christian demonstrators blocked the main highway in Lahore, and police fired tear gas shells to disperse the protesters who demanded assistance from the government.
Government spokesman Pervaiz Rasheed promised the government would help them rebuild their houses, but the Christians expressed dissatisfaction with the way the government was handling the incident.
“I have been robbed of all of my life’s savings,” Yousuf Masih said, standing close to his burned house. He said the government’s announcement that it would give 200,000 rupees ($2,000) compensation to each family was a joke.
The incident began on Friday after a Muslim accused a Christian man of blasphemy — an offense that in Pakistan is punished by life in prison or death. On Saturday, a mob of angry Muslims rampaged through the Christian neighborhood, burning about 170 houses.
End- Full Article linked in title and picture
Is this what Brennan referred to as the beauty and goodness and faith of peace and tolerance?
If you conduct a little research, you will find that these types of incidents are not confined to Pakistan but occur throughout all of the Islamic nations and have so for centuries. Not to mention the hatred and violence directed towards Jews, which has gone on for centuries as well.
Methinks Mr. Brennan is either a bit twisted in perceptions or simply being deceptive. Perhaps both of these possibilities is the reality.
Then, of course, we have the gentle, life-affirming treatment of women under sharia law in Islamic cultures.
Several books I have read on that topic, both written from the first-hand experience in two separate nations of Islam, one in Africa and the other in Syria, paint quite a different picture of Islam than John Brennan. (See the writings of Ayaan Hirsi Ali- Infidel and Wafa Sultan- A God Who Hates).
Both of the authors above suffered the same type of denigrating and sometimes violent treatment. Both left their respective Muslim homelands. Both not only rejected Islam but God as well, becoming atheists. (More harm to them unfortunately as I see it but understandable based on their life experiences.)
Would this fall under Brennan’s “beauty and goodness of Islam,” too? That is, treating its women like cattle and abusing them?
Perhaps I am missing something here, but in Christian oriented societies, this kind of behavior doesn’t sit too well with the majority of the Christian populations. Why so commonly acceptable under Brennan’s “faith of peace and tolerance,” I wonder?
The White House Claimed This Wasn’t a “Bow” to the King. Uh, About That Bridge in Brooklyn. Interested?
Perhaps, Obama selected Brennan because he needed a supporter? The man who bows to Saudi Kings needed a bud to run the CIA.
BTW, deference to authority is part of the Islamic culture, s built on a master-slave relationship with Muslims as slaves to Allah- not children of God as in the Christian West. Obama should have gone all the way and kissed the dude’s hand as culturally expected by this level of society. The word Islam means submission which Obama looks very familiar with here.
I’m just wondering why during the vetting process, at a time when we are occupying Islamic nations and battling Islamic terrorist organizations, Brennan’s Muslim sympathies were never brought up during his questioning for the position.
Maybe it’s just me, but It just seems a bit odd to appoint an obvious Muslim sympathizer to an agency which we would expect to be serving to support our citizens in the fight against terrorism. However, thanks to our beautiful representatives (the silent minority apparently), Brennan was confirmed!
Then again, it may be that in this cultural Marxist age, it is now politically incorrect to identify a prospective CIA chief’s sympathies with our sworn enemy. Perhaps, this is why it was never raised as an issue.
Brennan was speaking Arabic while practically swooning over Islam in glowing terms in the White House for heaven’s sake. One would think that would raise a red flag? Even a tiny one. But, not in the Obama era. Something rotten in the State of Denmark methinks.
Perhaps, Islam is useful in promoting the New World Order. After all, the concept of individual freedom grew out of Christianity, which places God above the State and honors the individual as a child of God, promoting their sovereign natural rights as being granted by God.
On the other hand, the one-world government globalists want to move God on down the line to the back burner.
Islam, on the other hand, co-exists with Marxist ideology quite comfortably. Do some research on the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, and you find that it is a mixture of sharia law and Marxist ideology.
So too with the NWO. The collective State is foremost. The individual serves the State. The needs of the individual get placed below the needs of the State.
Could this be why a Muslim sympathizer now heads the CIA? Meanwhile, no one in a position to do so even raises an eyebrow? Strange and dangerous times we live in methinks (and getting stranger and more dangerous too it seems).
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