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By Terry | Campaign Deception
Naaah…..it’s not “pay for play”. That’s a lie. That’s what the “progressives” claimed with about every criticism of Hillary during the campaign.
However, after laying off 74 employees in October, the Clinton Global Initiative (an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation) is laying off another 22 employees.
The reason given in the required Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) form’s “reason for dislocation” section for these latest layoffs was, “Discontinuation (sic) of the Clinton Global Initiative (sic).”
In 2011, the CGI meeting boasted 46 sponsors. By the last meeting in September 2016, this number had been cut in half.
After Hillary lost in November, the Australian government which donated $88 million over 10 years, did not renew their partnership.
Norway reduced its contribution from $20 million in 2015 to 4.2 million in 2016. Other sponsors or donors have cut contributions apparently making CGI less than necessary.
Indications are that the Clinton Foundation itself has been losing significant donations as well. Is that next?
Perhaps, the real story behind this abrupt end of donations to CGI and the Clinton Foundation now that neither Bill nor Hillary are in direct political power is that even though the Clinton organization claimed that the Foundation did much good around the world, the multi millions of dollars donated were merely bribes for political favors.
Now, that the Clinton’s are not able to deliver political favors, foreign governments are no longer interested in donating hundreds of millions of dollars to the foundation and its offshoots. It is interesting that very quickly after the opportunity for such favors was removed from the equation, donations have slowed significantly and even ceased.
But of course, it is all just another right-wing lie right? Or perhaps more accurately, an active demonstration of the real truth behind the Clinton machine.
Time will reveal just how “charitable” the Clinton’s and their foundation were and are.
Of course, the end of this saga will likely be quietly permitted to disappear. Kind of like the failure to find weapons of mass destruction during the Bush administrations search in Iraq after the 2nd invasion.
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