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By Terry | Government Spending
If you want to give Gillibrand, a potential Presidential candidate for the Democratic party in 2020, the benefit of the doubt, you could say she was simply misinformed.
Despite attempts to bail her out by the CNN moderator, liberal Chris Cuomo, Gillibrand claimed that Justice Gorsuch did not get one Democrat vote. She was wrong, of course, since Gorsuch actually got 3 of them- Manchin WV, Donnelly Indiana and Heidi Heitkamp of N. Dakota.
She corrected it only after looking off camera, apparently getting the high sign. then conceding “You might be right, Chris, but I believe this Democratic caucus will stand together.” Then, launching into her Roe v. Wade tirade implying, of course, that unborn children don’t have rights only the expectant mother does. The upshot of this meaning that eliminating an unborn child is not a problem but rather a solution- rather hard-hearted from a sanctity of life perspective but that is another can of worms not to opened here.
Watch the YouTube video selection below from about 2:28 to 4:26 for the what is referred to in this post.
[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luhAZ7-Qk48″ controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]http://bit.ly/2ukACda[/youtube_advanced]The last point lends itself to explaining why they really hate Trump. Not because he is all the things they claim he represents (A process going on even before he was elected.), but because he is making things they don’t want to happen, happen. Things like:
I could go on but really I think what the Dems and their sycophants in the media have in mind for us is what filmaker, author and speaker Dinesh DiSouza outlined in his film Hillary’s America– they want a plantation with us as their slaves. Dinesh’s film reveals the nasty hidden truths about who the real slave owners and Ku Klux Klan were. Hint: None were Republicans.
If you don’t mind living on a plantation- support the Democrats. Personally, I choose freedom over enslavement. Not that I agree with everything, every Republican or Donald Trump does- I flat out don’t.
However, with the Democratic party these days, I see no hope of recovery of our lost freedoms. They would not eliminate any portions of Obamacare. They would not vote for a Constitutional-oriented Supreme Court Justice. Heck, they are more concerned about the freedoms of illegal immigrants than the legal citizens they represent.
Frankly, being freedom from government oriented, I can see no reason to vote for ANY Democrat these days. Feel free to come up with some that have logical common sense. rather then hate driven emotion, behind them. I’m curious.
Meanwhile, get this Justice nominated and through asap just in case there is a “blue wave” during the mid-terms. No sense in taking a chance with the party of the Obama worshiping Marxists is the way I see it.
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