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By Terry | Bernie Sanders
In some ways, it is mystifying how a professed socialist like Bernie Sanders can get any traction in a culture that we are conditioned to believe is a free market, freedom-based society.
One would expect that the dissonance with a Socialist philosophy, which uses the force of government to make participation in its agenda mandatory, being professed as a solution in the “land of the free and home of the brave” would provoke strong resistance.
Instead, this old leftist has become a bit of a pop star, especially with the young who have even engendered him with his own pop-culture slogan: “Feel the Bern”.
It reminds me of the hype we bought into with the deceiver in chief, Obama, with his “Change We Can Believe In” motto. The left is exceptional at contriving misleading propaganda. It is a key component of the game of deception.
Unlike what happened with Obama, the public should flesh out Bernie out a bit to discover the real character and philosophy behind the hype.
Sanders does not describe himself as simply a socialist.
He calls himself a “Progressive Socialist” or a “Democratic Socialist” as though that were a big difference.
Is it real or is that just a semantic-based deception?
The reality has always actually been that as socialism develops, it always leads to the same place- the tyranny of the State over its citizens.
The labels Sanders pushes are simply sales pitches designed to engender support and buy votes. Sales pitches gift-wrapped with idyllic promises to get those criminal people who are causing your problems- the greedy capitalists.
Bernie’s followers call themselves “Progressive” or “Democratic” socialists but do they really know what that is. Seems that they don’t. They are simply parroting Bernie because it makes them sound somehow more intelligent and informed.
The word Democracy is never used in any of America’s founding documents.
You won’t find it in the:
Try doing a search on your own and prove it for yourself.
Where you will find it, however, is in The Communist Manifesto. In that foundational document it appears as follows:
We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling as to win the battle of democracy.
In other words, the first step towards Communism is to create a Democracy.
After the Democracy is created the mobocracy and disorder, as noted in Federalist #10 by Madison, will follow.
Once chaos is generated, Communist activists then proceed to agitate towards an overthrow of the existing disorder. Their solution is always then to install Communism in its place.
This is where, according to Marx, the supposed triumph of the worker proletariat replaces the bourgeoisie middle class. You know, workers of the world unite and all those Communist memes.
The problem? It has never worked that way. The way it has always worked out is that the ruling class becomes very rich while the workers struggle to survive. This is the Communist and Bernie Sanders fairy tale.
Bernie’s dedication to socialism alone betrays his connection to the Communist legacy, as does his background.
Connecting Democracy to Socialism is simply the track provided by the Communist Manifesto which touts the triumph of Democracy is an important stepping stone to Communism.
Is this “porogressive socialism” really that different? Let’s take a look at the word progressive which Bernie loves to identify with.
David Horowitz, the author, was a dyed in the wool leftist looked upon himself:
As a soldier in an international class-struggle that would one day liberate all humanity from poverty, oppression, racism, and war.
That is, until the loss of a female friend, Betty Van Patter, by murder he attributed to the Black Panthers (never fully investigated). This event caused him to review his connections. He eventually disavowed his identity as a Marxist oriented leftist to become a conservative.
Horowitz, with his up close and personal connection to the internal workings of the Marxist activists inherited from his parents ideology and activities, has written a series of books he titled- The Black Book of the American Left.
Volume II of this series (nine in all) is simply titled: Progressives.
He begins this volume by defining the term “progressive” as applied by the left.
Horowitz notes the progressive label was chosen as a means of replacing the word Marxist or Communist which is too obvious to the masses.
They instead use the label progressive because it identifies them as:
The basic premise of the label is that forward is necessarily a good direction.
They, as progressives, are on the right side of history as though history was steadily moving towards beneficent ends.
However, the unstated fact is that these so-called progressives owe their intellectual traditions to the likes of Marx, Hegel, and Antonio Gramsci (19th-century leader of the Communist Party) whose philosophies have produced totalitarian results.
Progressives however as Horowitz notes:
Have an understandable interest in separating themselves from the destructive consequences of their past behaviors.
Horowitz also warns:
Conservatives should not contribute to their efforts by referring to them as “liberals,” or regarding their own differences as merely policy matters that can be compromised and adjusted, rather than as the result of a philosophical divide that leads to consequences both predictable and tragic.
With these ideas in mind, let’s take a look at Bernie Sanders’s background. Let’s see if he has any connections to some of these idyllic progressive leftist groups and philosophies which support the implications Horowitz clarifies.
Is Sanders really just a nice old man who has the interests of “We the People” in mind?
You won’t find out from Bernie. His site skips over wide swaths of his background, whitewashing his background through omission of facts.
There is more to the story than meets the media eye of course. While Bernie is not open about his background, there are facts about Sanders that are known.
We know Sanders admits to being a socialist.
Whether it be the Democratic or the Progressive variety which are loaded words, as shown above, he is still at his core an admitted socialist.
Unfortunately, many of his followers don’t seem to understand what this actually means.
Some of them have adopted an inaccurate and twisted version of socialism. They conflate socialism (a political modal) with social services (a municipal service) that is both naive and embarrassingly uninformed.
I guess math and science scores are not the only ones dropping these days. Apparently, plain common sense and study is dropping off as well.
You would think that claiming to be a socialist raises a red flag in a nation that is called “the land of the free and home of the brave” which was founded as a Constitutional Republic.
An informed citizenry embracing our Constitutional Republic would quickly dismiss such a candidate.
However, most of his followers really don’t know what socialism is or choose to ignore it because they naively believe it is about helping the poor and getting all those nasty rich capitalist people who exploit the poor.
The truth is many of these millennial youth are more in tune with Kim Kardashian than real politics. They skip-over the results of real-life socialism and its history of failure ending in tyranny.
[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-t2TwLRdgk” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]
We also know that Sanders is a career politician.
His first entry into politics was in 1981 when he was elected Mayor of Burlington, Vermont. This also led to his first real paycheck.
He then won a seat to the House of Representatives in 1991 which he held until 2007.
In 2008, he was elected to the U.S. Senate for Vermont a position which he holds today in the Obama delusion which swept the nation.
Sanders, like Cuba, Russia, China, and North Korea, favors a single-payer, government-run healthcare system and other socialist ideas like taxing the rich to the hilt so they can ostensibly “pay their fair share”.
Of course, he never mentions that 84% of all taxes are already paid by the top 20% and the 1%’rs pay 24% of all taxes and the top 10% pay 53.3% of all taxes.
No, he claims they still need to pay more. We’ll take a look at some of these proposals in part three of this series.
He was born in Brooklyn to Polish immigrants of Jewish descent in 1941.
He earned his B.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago (UC) in 1964.
While at the University of Chicago, he joined:
He also worked briefly (as an organizer) for the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which, like all the CIO unions, had a number of influential Communists among its ranks.
In 1963, Sanders lived and worked for a number of months in an Israeli kibbutz known as Kibbutz Sha’ar Ha’amakim (KSH), which was co-founded by Aharon Cohen.
Cohen was an Arabist who was a harsh critic of Israeli policy. He was arrested for spying for the Soviet Union in the 1950s.
The founders of KSH referred to Joseph Stalin as the “Sun of the Nations“. A red flag was flown at outdoor events held at the kibbutz.
Bernie must have felt comfortable with that since he honeymooned in Moscow after he married.
Sanders stayed at KSH as a guest of the Zionist-Marxist youth movement Hashomer Hatzair (HH), which pledged its allegiance to the Soviet Union. Some left-wing groups described HH as Leninist and even Stalinist.
There is most definitely quite a bit of red in Bernie’s background.
In 1971 Sanders joined the anti-war Liberty Union Party (LUP), on whose ticket he made unsuccessful runs for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974, and for Governor of Vermont in 1976.
Sanders’s LUP platform called for the nationalization of all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and the establishment of a worker-controlled federal government.
According to the Guardian, a press release from his 1974 campaign stated that as a means of addressing the problem of rising energy prices, Sanders advocated:
The public takeover of all privately owned electric companies in Vermont.
Obviously, big brother government is something Bernie is comfortable with as well.
While Mayor of Burlington, Vermont, in 1985 Sanders traveled to Managua, Nicaragua to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the rise to power of Daniel Ortega and his Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government.
In a letter which he addressed to the people of Nicaragua, Sanders denounced the anti-Communist activities of the Reagan administration, which he said was under the control of corporate interests. Assuring the Nicaraguans that Americans were “fair-minded people” who had more to offer “than the bombs and economic sabotage” promoted by Reagan. Sanders declared:
In the long run, I am certain that you will win, and that your heroic revolution against the Somoza dictatorship will be maintained and strengthened.
Sanders’s trip to Nicaragua was not his only foray to a Communist country. He also visited Fidel Castro’s Cuba in the 1980s to have a friendly meeting with the mayor of Havana.
The clip below is from a 1985 interview after his return from Cuba fawning over Fidel.
Bernies fails to mention that the reason for the uprising never coming in Cuba was caused by the execution of the opposition by Fidel and Che Guevara. This was followed by the continued oppressive police state imprisoning or executing any and all opposition.
The healthcare and education Bernie refers to in this brief clip are totally controlled by the Communist State as in Russia, North Korea, and Red China.
The people are not “given” anything. It is forced on them whether they want it or like it or not. In Communist States, there is no choice of provider. It is the State or nothing. The real winner, the State, takes it all.
[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRz6z5hSt7E” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]
Later, in television interviews, Sanders lauded praise on Daniel Ortega calling him an “impressive guy”.
Ortega, who received training in Cuba from Castro, is a Marxist-Leninist. His controversial program of nationalization included State-controlled land reform and wealth distribution. Ortega was never very cordial to the U.S. because they supported his rival, Somoza, prior to the Nicaraguan revolution.
Sanders founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) in 1991 along with other “progressives”.
The caucus, of course, endorses wealth redistribution. The CPC was endorsed by the Communist Party USA. They stated that the Progressive Caucus:
provides an important lever that can be used to advance workers’ issues and move the debate to the left in every Congressional District in the country.
Sounds like a bunch of Communists huh?
In a 2010 CPUSA report, Party member David Bell identified Progressive Caucus members as his organization’s “allies in Congress.”
When Sanders ran for the Senate in 2006, Senator Barack Obama (whom Sanders described as “one of the great leaders” of that legislative body) campaigned enthusiastically on Sanders’s behalf.
When a Washington Post reporter asked Sanders just prior to the Senatorial election: “Are you now or have you ever been a Socialist?” Sanders replied, “Yeah. I wouldn’t deny it. Not for one second. I’m a Democratic Socialist.
I guess he’s made progress since then and earned his wings. He now labels himself a full-fledged “progressive” socialist. Remember what that term progressive is a buzzword for.
In September 2011, Sanders was the first U.S. Senator to support the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement, lauding its activists for focusing a “spotlight” on the need for “real Wall Street reform.” Sanders would probably like to occupy Wall Street himself, I would guess.
In 2013 Sanders introduced a bill to tax Wall Street speculators blaming the greed, recklessness and illegal activities on Wall Street for the economic and deficit crisis in the U.S.
Somehow Bernie forgot to mention the enormous impact that government deficit entitlement spending has had in creating our national debt that is currently sitting at over $23 Trillion or over $188,000 per man, woman, and child.
Our two largest expenses are Social Security and Medicare making up nearly 50% of the deficit and going up steadily as boomers retire.
That, of course, is all legal and therefore acceptable and excluded from consideration. In fact, Sanders wants to increase spending in both programs with his Medicare for All (projected at $32 Trillion to $52 Trillion over 10 years) and Social Security expansion.
Sanders is a strong supporter of the Apollo Alliance, a coalition of environmentalists and big labor that wants the federal government to take over America’s energy industry.
Of course, the AFL-CIO strongly supports him along with the Democratic Socialists of America.
For more on Sanders’ background with links to all of the aforementioned information and much more background information click here.
All in all, I think Mr. Sanders quite adequately meets the standards David Horowitz laid out in his Black Book of the American Left- Vol. II- Progressives.
In part two, we’ll take a look at the reality of the socialist concept along with some of Bernie’s proposals. All part of really feeling the Bern, really more appropriately written as Burn.
Go on to Part Two of the Bernie Sanders Deception.
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The Bernie Sanders Deception – Feel the Burn- Part 3
The Bernie Sanders Deception – Feel the Burn – Part 2
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