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If the Constitution Was the Solution- Why Hasn’t It Worked- Part Two

By Terry | anti God , anti religion , Constitutional , Government conspiracy , The Constitution

As noted in the first post on this issue, it’s pretty obvious that the Constitution is not working as we are told it was intended to. We have been led to believe it was originally designed to limit our government, in turn both protecting and maximizing our personal freedom. The flag is all wrapped around it. […]

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If the Constitution Was the Solution, Why Hasn’t It Worked?- Part One

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , Constitutional , Gun Control , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

As a reformed Constitutionalist, I suggest that the Constitution has been an abject failure. First, however, let me explain what I mean by “reformed” so that you can have a better understanding of where I am coming from here. At one time, as anyone taking a conservative position naturally would in these times, I firmly […]

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Techniques of Deception and 911

By Terry | Deception by Omission , Government Deception , media deception , New World Order , Personal Liberty , Personal Privacy , Radical Islam

Once Upon a Time a Group of Elitists Had a Dream… Suppose you were among a group of self-appointed elitists who fashioned themselves as Gods or intellectual superiors among the people. You believed that you had the inside track to what was needed to bring about a semblance of harmony amongst the generally ignorant and […]

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Whatever Happened to the Concept of Free Market Health Care?

By Terry | free market , Government Deception , government growth , Government Monopoly , Personal Liberty , Socialism

Recently on Quora the question was asked- Why Doesn’t the United States Provide Universal Healthcare Like Other Countries? One person who lives in Australia provided the following answer: “I’m in Australia, and while we are a lot better off than the USA – we DO have a free health care service – there is too […]

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