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Category Archives for "media deception"

The Liberal Defense of Uranium One- More Factual Denials

By Terry | Deception by Omission , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , media deception

Liberal left apologists, upon hearing of Uranium One, are now attempting to cover up this evidence of real Russian collusion involving their most recent Presidential candidate. Their 11 month investigation into Trump and Russia has produced no evidence but they are mighty quick to jump to the aid of the real Russian collusionists- Hillary and […]

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A Current Example of How Fake News is Created- Deception by Omission

By Terry | 1st amendment , Deception by Omission , Donald Trump , Government Deception , media deception is a Soros funded (Tides Foundations and Open Society) and leftist funded organization.  Soros funded $6.2 million to MoveOn in a 6 month period in 2003 alone. Naturally, MoveOn heavily endorsed and supported Obama. MoveOn dispatched approximately a million volunteers to work on his 2008 campaign nationwide. All told MoveOn and its members contributed […]

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All the News that Fits the Accepted Narrative- A Prime Fake News Example

By Terry | Government Deception , media deception

Russian Hackers Penetrated U.S. Electricity Grid Through a Utility in Vermont, officials say That’s what the headline read. It didn’t take long for the spin meisters to leap into action! After all this “news” fit the Obama narrative to the “T” didn’t it? What? Attack our grid? Them horrible, sneaky, mean, nasty Russians….why I oughta…. […]

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2016 Presidential Election- Lopsided Bias Concentrating on Dirt Not Real Issues.

By Terry | American Decline , Campaign Deception , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , media deception

While the media hammers away at Donald Trump’s character, the dirt on Hillary is swept under the carpet. The bias is obvious. The public naively laps it up. Our nation is mired in a massive mountain of debt. Foreign wars which have sucked away multiple Trillions of $ have dragged on for over a decade […]

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