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Category Archives for "The Constitution"

Obama Signs Executive Order Creating “Kill Switch” for Government Over the Internet. Does He Have the Authority?

By Terry | Bill of Rights , Constitutional , individualism , Personal Liberty , Personal Privacy , The Constitution

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”yellowtail” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-3em”]T[/dropcap]he headline on C/Net reads: Obama Signs Order Outline Emergency Internet Control [ on July 6th ] with the subheading: A new executive order addresses how the country deals with the Internet during natural disasters and security emergencies, but it also puts a lot of power in the government’s hands. The […]

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The Democracy Deception- “A Republic Madame, If You Can Keep It.” – Can we?

By Terry | American Decline , Constitutional , media deception , New World Order , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

Democracy Defined

One of the things that really gets my goat is when I hear the media and our so-called representatives, all the way up to the Presidential level, refer to our form of government as a Democracy. Most citizens have had this drilled into their head so frequently, they simply accept it without question now. The […]

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The Free Trade Deception – Part Three – Building Blocks of the New World Order

By Terry | American Decline , Conspiracy Facts , Constitutional , Free Trade , New World Order , The Constitution , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

free trade deception

In this part of the free trade series we discuss how these agreements are actually tied in to the New World Order spoken of by George W. Bush and other elite politicians, globally in fact. We are being railroaded agreement by agreement into a new world order or global governance under the UN.

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The Free Trade Deception- How They Are Being Used to Undermine Our Constitution- Part One

By Terry | American Decline , Constitutional , Government conspiracy , media deception , New World Order , The Constitution , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”geneva” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]Q[/dropcap]uite frankly the complacency with which Americans seem to accept everything they are told by people who have obviously already deceived them repeatedly (politicians and our government) is sometimes mind boggling to me. You would think by now, as lie after lie has been fed to us and uncovered, the knee […]

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Did Obama Affirm His Collectivist Mentality In His Inaugural Speech? A Reflection of His Marxist Foundations?- Part Two

By Terry | Bill of Rights , collectivism , individualism , natural law , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

Before reviewing the statements made in Obama’s inaugural speech and comparing them to the concepts covered in Part One, I would like to clarify one other point. A careful reading of the Bill of Rights affirms the individualist concept. However, it is probably most clearly expressed in an often overlooked amendment- the 9th. The 9th […]

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Did Obama Affirm His Collectivist Mentality In His Inaugural Speech? A Reflection of His Marxist Foundations?- Part One

By Terry | Bill of Rights , collectivism , Constitutional , individualism , natural law , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”times” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]C[/dropcap]ontrary to current government brain washing and propaganda, our Constitution was based on the concept of individualism. Now, of course, the framers and the colonists may not have called it that, but they did understand that all freedoms arose from the individual, NOT the government. To determine where Obama falls on […]

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Another Thought on the 2nd Amendment- A Basic Truth Often Missing from the Discussion

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”times” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]A[/dropcap]s I was reading this book which I stumbled across on Amazon called For Individual Rights: A Treatise on Human Relations, it occured to me that the concepts I was learning applied directly to the Second Amendment. They were ideas based on natural law which is to say laws that exist because you […]

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