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By Terry | Gun Control
Most of know the 2016 Pulse Nightclub mass shooting by the Muslim terrorist in Orlando, Florida that left 49 people dead and many more wounded. A tragedy that left many people angry and emotional wounded as well. One may rightfully ask – Can anything good come from Orlando?
The short answer is yes. Good meaning- people working to spread good in the world in place of resentment, hatred and bitterness. Let me give this story a bit of context by referring to a very quick story of Joseph from Genesis.
Joseph was the favorite of his father, Israel formerly Jacob, because he “was the son of his old age”. The second youngest of 12 brothers.
His brothers knowing this hated him. A prize coat and dreams implying Joseph as a ruler over them, didn’t help.
When the opportunity arose, they sold Joseph, their brother, into slavery to Midianite merchants who sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphor, an officer of Pharaoh -Captain of the guard.
The brothers told Israel that an evil beast had devoured him, showing Joseph’s bloody coat (which they had dipped in goats blood) as proof.
Israel mourned for his lost son. The brothers said no more.
Eventually, Israel and the brothers were reunited in Egypt. (Read Genesis beginning at chapter 37 to the end for the details.)
When Israel died, the brothers feared that Joseph with his powerful position would now exact revenge upon them for selling him into slavery. They prostrated themselves before him imploring mercy.
Joseph’s reply to them as they bowed before him:
Fear not, for am I in the place of God?
But as for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save many people alive.
Genesis 50:19-20
The point being that current events may have different purposes than we suppose.
Luis Javier Ruiz and Angel Colon survived the Pulse Nightclub shooting, both practicing a “gay” lifestyle at the time.
Colon, a dancer, was shot 6 times during the attack and trampled by people trying to flee the club. He was unable to walk for 2 months because he was shot in both legs and had a broken femur bone. He also spoke out against gun violence during his recovery.
Orlando had acted as a catalyst for Colon who was having guilt about his lifestyle and asking God to help him come back to him. Colon said the Pulse Nightclub shooting was the catalyst for his change to come back to Jesus and a straight lifestyle.
Along with another survivor Luis Javier Ruiz, Colon founded Fearless Identity, an organization that encourages people to reject their LGBT identities.
Naturally, they both faced opposition from the LGBT community who began the ad hominem attacks once they found out what was going on.
However, they also received support. As Luis puts it:
What we were seeing with the backlash is people were coming to Jesus! Like it was so crazy! It’s like, people were so scared to share their story. But in all this… behind the scenes, God was working because I had ex-lovers that were coming to Jesus because they saw a Facebook Live that they were making about me and laughing about me. … This brought people to email me and say, “Hey, I want to know about this Jesus that you’re so in love with. How do I do this?”
Luis Ruiz – Fearless Identity
Their site Fearless Identity, Inc. gives a little more information on their mission and organization.
Luis Ruiz also has a facebook page for Fearless Identity which provides more information and a discussion forum.
Ruiz and Colon also wish to make clear that they are not into so-called “conversion therapy” as the Newsweek article points out in a correction btw.
Don’t expect much coverage from the leftstream media or the LBGT community on this one. This is not an Orlando story they want heavily circulated since it doesn’t really fit the narrative promoted these days….But you know….sometimes….
what man means for evil, God means for good.
A gay hating, anti-Christian terrorist kills 49 but 2 survivors have now turned back to Jesus and working on converting more from the gay community. Guess that wasn’t an expected, nor desired outcome for a Muslim terrorist huh?
Whoda thunk, huh?
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