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By Terry | 2nd Amendment
Survivors of the Colorado STEM Charter school got pretty upset about how their “vigil” turned out. Hundreds of grieving students, parents and members of the community packed the Highlands Ranch school gym to mourn the shooting. It didn’t turn out to be a chance to mourn and honor their deceased fellow student, Kendrick Castillo – who died while trying to stop one of the shooters.
[youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/57x23s4XMH0″ controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]Instead of getting the opportunity to express their anguish over the shooting which had visited them uninvited and honor the deceased Castillo, they were served up lectures on the need for gun control legislation by gun control advocates Democrat Senator Michael Bennet (Presidential candidate), Democrat House Rep. Jason Crow:
Senator Michael Bennet- to students at STEM Vigil
“[Our kids] have a job to do when they come to school,” Bennet told the crowd. “Their job is not to fix American’s broken gun laws. Their job is not, as Kendrick so selflessly did yesterday, give up their own life to save their classmates’ lives or their teachers’ lives. That’s not their job. They’re relying on the rest of us to do our job so they can do their job.”
Their job apparently is to take guns out of the hands of citizens with the implication that disarming citizens would have prevented the event.
The event was organized by Team Enough – the student-led initiative of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The “Brady Campaign” engages in:
political advocacy, education, lawsuits and activism aimed at expanding regulations and restrictions on the right of Americans to possess and use firearms.
The Brady Campaign spent a total of $392,272 on the federal election cycles that took place from 2002 through 2016, with 87.6 percent of the partisan spending benefiting Democrats.
Influence Watch (influencewatch.org)
There has been zero spending on behalf of Republicans since the 2008 cycle, and less than one percent of the total spending since 2002 has been for the benefit of Republicans.
After Crow and Bennet addressed the crowd, they (the crowd) decided that they had apparently had enough of the Team Enough sponsored event. Team Enough is a group that highlights its efforts to fight arming teachers in Florida after the Parkland school shooting on its site.
Students began to walk out after the politicians speeches as a parent took to the microphone to complain about students not being given a chance to speak.
There were calls to let STEM student speak. One attendee said, “It turned into a political situation, and the kids don’t want to be used as a prop.”
It was supposed to be a vigil and time to vent and honor a student who died saving other students lives. Democrats turned it into a political stunt on gun control.
As the exodus began to grow, STEM students were asked to go into the hallway so they could organize who would speak for them. Another stunt apparently.
Once in the hallway, a STEM school staffer encouraged them not to speak – afraid their words would twisted and used to support gun control.
Excuse me, but isn’t that obvious suppression and manipulation? Leave it to the lefties who claim to be for “free speech” to suppress it like they have done on campuses all over the nation since Donald Trump was elected to the Presidency.
Students went outside and a number of them had an impromptu gathering in the rain, holding their illuminated cell phones aloft to honor Kendrick Castillo who, by the way, was set to graduate in 3 days before he was shot.
Many of the students returned to the gym and held a moment of silence for Kendrick.
Several took the mic to express their frustration:
“This was not a vigil,” one student said in his speech. “This was purely a political stunt. This is not what we wanted for Kendrick. We didn’t want Kendrick to be a prop. We wanted Kendrick to be mourned. We wanted all of you to join us in that mourning, but that was not allowed here. We all walked out. We were not kicked out, despite what you have heard. And we’re back now to tell you that we love Kendrick and we love all of the survivors.”
One of Kendrick’s classmates broke down as she remembered her friend:
I came here for my close friend Kendrick,” she said. “I just wanted to talk about him a little bit because everybody’s been sitting here talking about gun violence and avoiding the fact that he died.
Another fact avoided by the media are the shooters.
One shooter was a 16 year old transgender female, Alec McKinney, transitioning to a male who goes by Alec and prefers “he” pronouns. Prosecutors have not said yet whether McKinney would be tried as an adult.
The other was Devon Erickson, a registered Democrat, who hated Donald Trump and Christians.
Erickson posting on Facebook wrote:
You know what I hate? All these Christians who hate gays, yet in the bible, it says in Deuteronomy 17:12-13, if someone doesn’t do what their priest tells them to do, they are supposed to die. It has plenty of crazy stuff like that, But all they get out of it is ‘ewwwwww gays.
Devon Erickson – posted on Facebook
Erickson, as a Trump hater and registered Democrat, will likely not get much play in the media regarding his background- maybe at all.
Democrats unfortunately turned an event meant to mourn into an opportunity to push their agenda, this time on gun control.
Perhaps public is catching on to the Democrats strategies to push their agenda at every turn instead of being human about an event. They are doing the same with the Mueller investigation- using it as an opportunity to push their impeachment agenda, even though it is the 4th completed investigation to find no evidence of collusion nor obstruction.
Heck, if these students who are entrenched firmly in the leftist indoctrination system called “public education” can pick up on it, how is it that the public can not?
Guess some just don’t want to- at all costs apparently.
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