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By Terry | 2nd Amendment
However, readers from WorldNetDaily which also reported the story seemed to indicate otherwise:
WorldNet Daily reader Sam Singleton said his local Walmart in Myrtle Beach, S.C., has a very short supply of ammunition. According to Singleton, the store claimed it had received a letter from corporate headquarters on the issue.
“The clerk said they only had what was left on the shelf and that there was a ‘hard lock’ on the reorders. She said they hadn’t been getting any replenishment and that just today the store had received a letter from the corporate office stating that they would not be able to order any replenishment of ammunition, other than some for shotguns.
“She said they were not stocking anything that could be used in an ‘assault-type rifle.’ I said, ‘This is ammunition I use for practice,’ and she said they were just told there was a ‘hard lock’ on ammo sales.”
Another WorldNet Daily reader, Patrick Clemons, reported a similar experience today after he visited the Walmart in Folsom, Calif.
So, there seems to be some discrepancy between reality and reports. I stand on what I stated yesterday. WalMart is walking a fine line between the two hands that feed them (well maybe 3 actually). The supplier and benefactor (China and the government) and the customer. Let them sort it out.
As for myself. I don’t shop at WalMart. Never have and unless I have no other choice, never will. The subject is controversial but I have always had an aversion to undermining our manufacturing sector when we have willing people that need work here and sending it overseas which is another controversial topic. Do your own research. Here are a couple of resources to start with. You can surely find many more:
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