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By Terry | Constitutional
This dude is supposed to be our “leader” and he doesn’t even know what form of government our Constitution framed.
Instead Obama calls our Presidential campaign a measure of our progress as a Democracy. Perhaps, it also betrays where he is leading us. After all, according to the Communist Manifesto, the triumph of Democracy is Communism.
No problem when speaking to an audience of Communist Cubans, but it should be a problem for Americans here. The operative words there are “should be”.
After his mischaracterization of our form of government, he goes to note that the ideals that drive every revolution are found in Democracy. As noted above the Communist Manifesto calls Communism “the triumph of Democracy”. It figures that a dude with a Marxist background, who has instituted Marxist moves like Obamacare during his term, speaking in front of a Communist audience would choose to describe us as a Democracy and feel that the “ideals that drive every revolution” are found in that form of government. He and his handlers would like that to be so you can count on that. The problem is that it pretty much is already.
Tragically, too few have taken notice while it has progressed to where it is today. Unfortunately, the dude has been permitted to get away with just about everything he does and says for the most part, regardless of its permissibility or applicability under what used to be our “rule of law”. Nowadays, our so called rule of law is paid only lip service at best, if even that.
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