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By Terry | Constitutional
A critical cloud hanging over the Clinton and Trump investigations which has been given almost no coverage, is the question of just how aware Barack Obama was of what was going on?
Was President Obama mixed up in these probes in any way or simply kept out of the loop while they were conducted without his involvement?
It looks like the recently released IG report has unintentionally shed some light on that issue.
An under-emphasized portion of the recently released IG report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation, as recently revealed by Judicial Watch in the video below, addresses the aforementioned question more directly.
On September 16, 2016, a few months before election day, Lisa Page included the following statement in a text exchange between her and Peter Strzok:
[quote]Yes, bc potus wants to know everything we are doing.Referenced on page 409 of the recently released Inspector General report on the Hillary Clinton email scandal.[/quote]
bc = because potus = President of the United States
(For your convenient reference, the full report can be downloaded by clicking here.)
[youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/_vy5iXZrEMc” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]http://bit.ly/2ukACda[/youtube_advanced]The context in which this text existed taken from page 409 of the IG report is as follows:
September 2, 2016: On September 2, 2016, Page and Strzok exchanged the following text messages. The sender of each message is identified after the timestamp.
09:41:30, Strzok: “Checkout my 9:30 mtg on the 7th”
09:42:40, Page: “I can tell you why you’re having that meeting.”
09:42:46, Page: “It’s not what you think.”
09:49:39, Strzok: “TPs for D?”
09:50:29, Page: “Yes, bc potus wants to know everything we are doing.”
09:55:21, Strzok: “I’m sure an honest answer will come out of that meeting….”
What did you know about this investigation and when did you know it?
The above exchange between the lovers Lisa Page and Peter Strzok took place on September 2, 2016 about two months before election day in the Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton election race.
Obviously, that is right in the middle of a critical period of the Presidential election race. How does Obama justify this statement made by FBI agents investigating Hillary who were soon thereafter reassigned to the Trump Russia collusion investigation?
Peter Strzok confirmed Lisa Page’s statement with a reference to a meeting. This response implies that meetings had been taking place with then President Obama on this investigation.
As noted in the Judicial Watch video presentation above, this statement by Lisa Page ties President Obama to this Clinton investigation. Hence, any further claims of ignorance by the President Obama must be recognized as questionable until there is a definitive answer from him regarding this statement from the Page and Strzok text exchanges.
There is an attempt by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page after this exchange to “explain, refute and mitigate” as the IG protocol puts it what was said in the report as follows:
Strzok told us that these text messages referenced a request by the White House to get a “comprehensive idea across the U.S. Intelligence Community” about the scope of Russian interference activities and details of what Russia was doing. Strzok stated that this was “strictly limited to Russian actors” and he did not believe any investigations of U.S. persons were part of this request. Page stated that this exchange had “nothing to do with the Clinton email investigation.”
[box title=”Attempt to Explain, Refute and Mitigate By Page and Strzok – pg 409 of IG Report”]Strzok told us that these text messages referenced a request by the White House to get a “comprehensive idea across the U.S. Intelligence Community” about the scope of Russian interference activities and details of what Russia was doing. Strzok stated that this was “strictly limited to Russian actors” and he did not believe any investigations of U.S. persons were part of this request. Page stated that this exchange had “nothing to do with the Clinton email investigation.”[/box]While this is an attempt to provide a cover for the referenced text exchange between Page and Strozok, it actually seems to also tie Obama into the Russian collusion investigation.
While it is unlikely that the Russia interference investigation was “strictly limited to Russian actors” since it has been directed primarily at Donald Trump since its inception, it nevertheless draws Obama into that investigation as well.
So, it doesn’t appear that Peter and Lisa were very effective at mitigating the potential impact of this exchange for the former President. In fact, they may actually have gotten him into more hot water!
To save time and skip over the filler, so to speak, Judicial Watch Director of Investigations & Research, Chris Farrell, suggests jumping to pages 395 to the 420’s and read there for the more critical legal implication aspects of this report.
BTW, in case you may be wondering, Judicial Watch is a “ a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” Go to this page for a more complete “about” statement regarding Judicial Watch.
As noted at the end of Chris Farrell’s video posted above, if it wasn’t for Judicial Watch none of the background information regarding Hillary’s email scandal, and the Russia Collusion investigation for that matter, would have surfaced.
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