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By Terry | 1st amendment
If you are posting conservative content, have you noticed a drop in traffic?
Have you ever posted something and then wonder why it seems to have mysteriously disappeared and never posted?
Maybe you think those conservatives who complain about a drop in traffic and online censorship are really just making stuff up because like Hillary Clinton, they just don’t have topics that people are really interested in?
Or perhaps, like Hillary they just lie a lot. And who wants to read their stuff ’cause its just fake anyway?
Well, maybe it isn’t their imaginations like the lefties claim. They actually are on to something and now the evidence has surfaced.
A Facebook employee, who was a content review analyst for Facebook’s intellectual property unit, leaked documents to James O’Keefe at Project Veritas which explain what coding techniques like “deboosting” and “The Troll Twilight Zone” are.
She maps out how Facebook discriminates against conservatives through technological means and even through online behavior modification.
She tells how the ‘Troll Twilight Zone’ is a technique whose intent is to demoralize conservatives. However, even more importantly how it is using stealth to influence important elections against conservatives.
If these topics are of interest to you, then follow along and become educated as to how tech giants like Facebook are actively steering the narrative towards the left, away from liberty and freedom of speech and expression.
[youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/pYSmFI9GAAs” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]Danny Ben-David, a software engineer for Facebook, wrote a program called “Action Deboost Live Distribution”. This code, written for Facebook, suppresses the distribution of a live feed by disabling features to share the video. It also shuts down the interactive notifications, while removing live feed boost.
In a nutshell, “deboosting” is simply a method of suppressing distribution of a post or throttling traffic.
The deboosting code does this by converting the live video to text. Then, machine learning identifies certain words. Once specified words are identified on a page, the ‘deboosting’ action is triggered. Here are some examples:
Normally, when a user is blocked or taken down, Facebook sends them a notification. The user can respond to the notification and have it reviewed. However, as noted by the insider, when the live stream de-boost occurs the user is not informed. They are simply de-boosted and left to wonder what happened to their traffic and responses.
Project Veritas noticed the same kind of deboosting in their investigation of Twitter last year.
After noting the deboosting being applied to conservative sites (such as on Mike Cernovich’s page, Steven Crowder’s page as well as the Daily Caller’s page.) she checked non-conservative sites.
She looked at the leftist Young Turks page and Colin Kapernick’s page and others. None of them had received the same deboost comment on their account.
Project Veritas attempted to talk with Danny Ben-David but he simply walked away without comment other than, “You’re James O’Keefe?” (Incident in video above.)
What pray tell is the “Troll Twilight Zone”. Well, one thing it is not is a joke. It’s for real and a technique that Facebook uses to shut down conservative voices.
Seiji Yamamoto, a data science manager for Facebook since 2015, is on a mission to shut down “hate speech” as he defines it.
However, his definition of “hate speech” seems to target “conservative trolls” who get drawn into the net because they are on “the perimeter of hate speech”. That is, they may say things that offend somebody- a matter of perception that leans decidedly left.
The insider found an internal report which was generated by Seiji Yamamoto and Eduardo de la Rubio entitled “Coordinated Trolling on FB”
It was clearly designed to be aimed at the right. Its hit list focused on terms used by the right or conservatives like SJW (social justice warrior – reference to aggressive online liberals), MSM (mainstream media), red pilled (Matrix reference) acronyms and memes which are used by the “right” or conservatives as short cut descriptions or to ridicule.
Yamamoto promotes the ‘Troll Twilight Zone’. This cute little algorithm once it detects the “trolls” generates actions which:
These Troll Twilight Zone methods are designed to confuse and demoralize the “trolls” which includes conservatives.
In the report mentioned above, Yamamoto wrote that his Troll Twilight Zone feature will be triggered “leading up to important elections” clearly indicating that Facebook intends to influence elections.
Yamamoto also proposed, in the report, regulating behavior through peer pressure and fear of social rejection by notifying the friend network when a user has been suspended from the platform.
As stated in his Coordinated Trolling on FB report:
Fear of being outed as a miscreant is what regulates behavior in real life and we should re-introduce that to the online world….We don’t necessarily need to do many of these to strike fear in the hearts of trolls, so these can be very high touch notifications.
Seiji Yamamoto- Coordinated Trolling on FB Report
Troll scores are now being assigned to accounts based on words, pictures, friends and then deciding whether the person should be left on the Facebook platform or not.
Clearly Facebook is engaged in political influence and targeting those it deems as being on the wrong side of their political equation, which would be conservatives.
Those who have noted the big tech bias towards conservatives, thanks to Project Veritas and a willing insider, now have some concrete factual evidence of developed Facebook tactics that are presently being used against selected groups.
Is it time to call Mark Zuckerberg back in front of congress before the next, very important 2020 election? I, for one, vote yes.
If you have a tip for Project Veritas on this or other corruption you can contact them at this link.
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