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By Terry | Climate Change
Friday was Earth Day. The first one was in 1970. It was garbage science then with apocalyptic predictions that failed, not barely, but with spectacularity.
Flint campus noted 18 very wrong predictions from the first Earth Day. (This has been done over the years by other writers and sites but the list has been increasing in numbers as time has gone on.)
Of course, it was hailed as a planet saver by the media. Obama in December of 2015 represented it as the “best chance to save the planet we’ve got”.
Presidents, prime ministers, dictators, and potentates from 175 countries gathered at the United Nations in New York in our nation Friday (Earth Day) to sign the UN’s Paris climate accord. Supporters all say it is aimed at slowing as an article in the New American put it: “the (fictitious) crisis of global warming by
reducing man-made greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2).”
I share the deepest commitment to protecting our planet for our children and grandchildren. However, I desperately want to get politics out of the climate debate. The Paris climate agreement is all about empowering the U.N. and has nothing to do with the climate.[/quote]
Coleman asks, “How many Americans are looking forward to the U.N. transforming their lives?”
Bernie and Hillary, of course applaud this and play it to the hilt. Like the political parasites that they are they will feed off of the media hype and the people’s naivete on facts around this issue (aside from the disproven UN IPCC “science” which they falsely claim has consensus validation) to garner votes. I’ve already seen a Hillary ad playing up the Paris Accord as a victory for the people.
However, despite the UN’s IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), there is no real consensus among scientists on the issue. In fact, there are some strong and informed opinions opposed to the claims.
For example, qualified scientists and climate experts like Bjorn Lomborg, the Danish author, environmentalist, and professor of political science and philosophy, who accepts climate change as real doesn’t buy the claims.
Meanwhile, our wonderful politicians have just traded even more of our national sovereignty over to the UN through another treaty.
Foolish and naive “progressives” think we are saving the earth when in fact the elite who call the shots are simply fashioning our shackles. Like gun control prevented the Paris massacre, climate change accords like this will resolve nothing and be yet another way to reel in our disappearing freedoms and our Constitutional rights, whatever is left of them.
Yet another example of how the American experiment has failed and why we need to stop relying on politicians to resolve our lives.
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