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How the Left Has Redefined Science to Make It “Politically Correct” – Part One

By Terry | anti God , anti religion , atheism , theory of evolution

The left loves to rewrite and redefine. Terms that people accept as meaning one thing get twisted about through repetition and reinterpreted to mean in many cases the polar opposite of the commonly accepted meaning. It’s called political correctness. The problem is that the “correctness” part of it means- it fits their definition of what […]

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A Real-Life Comparison of Two Woman’s 2019 Marches- Pro-Life Versus Woman’s March

By Terry | Abortion , anti God , Donald Trump , Planned Parenthood

Pro-Life 2019 Confrontation

The way one sees the world is filtered through their beliefs about the world. Those beliefs, recognized as the person’s world view, determines how they respond to that world. That is, their actions, communications to others- verbal and written, their appearance and their behaviors. In January 2019, two largely woman centered marches happened closely together. […]

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Tucker Carlson Reports on Impact of Illegals on Tijuana and Environment- Lies Cry the Left!

By Terry | American Decline , Government Deception , Illegal Immigration , media deception

Arizona Border Trash impact

While the media covers up the impact of immigrants and their economic cost, there is a negative environmental impact that is never mentioned. Costing states alone $89 Billion, illegal immigrants also leave a trail of trash behind when they enter and where they settle. Tucker Carlson reports the truth about this and the media jumps all over him for it.

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