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Category Archives for "collectivism"

Another Obama Lie About the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Revealed

By Terry | collectivism , Corporatism , Government Deception , government growth , Obamacare

When confronted, before it was approved, Obama told us that the ACA (aka Obamacare) was not a tax! In fact in an interview with George Stephanopoulos in September 2009, when he remarked “But your critics say it is a tax increase.” Obama responded with, “I absolutely reject that notion.” [youtube_advanced url=”” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”] On […]

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Professors Say Elf on the Shelf Bad for Kids, But Let’s Dig a Little Deeper

By Terry | American Decline , collectivism , Deception by Omission , Government Deception , media deception

Philosopher and cultural theorist Michel Foucault warned of a 1984 style society which is under constant surveillance. In the late 18th century Philosopher Jeremy Bentham designed the panopticon. This building is a type of prison wherein all the cells are visible from the center thereby engendering the feeling that someone is watching you, even if […]

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Some Final Thoughts on the Guns and Ammo Article- Part 3

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , American Decline , anti God , anti religion , Bill of Rights , Central Banking Conspiracy , collectivism , Economic Collapse , Federal Reserve , Government Deception , Gun Control , National Debt , New World Order

Just a few random thoughts about the Guns and Ammo article and the response of the subscribers to the article. While I fully applaud and appreciate their response and pray for more of the same from informed citizens, it is only one issue. While it is an important issue and can reach far, it is […]

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This is What Happens When We Let Obama Get Away with Creating Laws at the Stroke of a Pen

By Terry | American Decline , Bill of Rights , collectivism , Constitutional , individualism , natural law , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

As I noted in my last post, Obama has no Constitutional authority to create laws at the stroke of a pen with his so-called “executive” orders. He has NO such authority granted to him under our rule of law, the document he took an oath to uphold and defend. If we let the executive undermine […]

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Promoting Gun Control in Our Public Schools

By Terry | 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights , collectivism , Constitutional , Personal Liberty

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”georgia” style=”italic” size=”scmgc-3em”]T[/dropcap]he indoctrination begins at an early age in public schools. If you are not fitting into the accepted narrative, why you can get your little self suspended. In Suffolk, Virginia two 7 year old boys were suspended for pretending to use pencils as guns. They could even have been banned for […]

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Citizenship Requires Vigilance- Especially in These Times!

By Terry | collectivism , Freedom , Personal Liberty , Socialism , Uncategorized

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”georgia” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]T[/dropcap]his evening I arrived home from work ready to get dinner together and unwind a bit. I glanced at the mail ready to put it aside and get started with preparations. However, being the political junkie that I am something caught my eye: Official Special School Board Election Sample Voting Machine […]

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