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Category Archives for "Donald Trump"

A Current Example of How Fake News is Created- Deception by Omission

By Terry | 1st amendment , Deception by Omission , Donald Trump , Government Deception , media deception is a Soros funded (Tides Foundations and Open Society) and leftist funded organization.  Soros funded $6.2 million to MoveOn in a 6 month period in 2003 alone. Naturally, MoveOn heavily endorsed and supported Obama. MoveOn dispatched approximately a million volunteers to work on his 2008 campaign nationwide. All told MoveOn and its members contributed […]

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The Real Cause Behind the Incessant Whining Over Donald Trump

By Terry | Donald Trump , free market , Personal Liberty , Socialism

As the whining and excuses continue, endlessly it seems, the Democrats refuse to accept the rejection of their Marxist oriented, idyllic socialist dream by the people. It is becoming tiresome, predictable and almost amusing. However, one begins to wonder just what is really driving all of these annoying antics. Perhaps if we can understand that, […]

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The So Called Evidence from the Intelligence Community – Looks Like Fake News

By Terry | Donald Trump , Government Deception , Hillary Clinton

When asked by Democrat Senator, Claire McCaskill, about who benefits “from a President elect trashing the intelligence community, James R. Clapper, retired Air Force General, current Director of National Intelligence, responded with: “I think there is an important distinction here between healthy skepticism,” Clapper said, “…I think there’s a difference between skepticism and disparagement.” Of […]

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How Health Insurance Really Works and Why Government Plans Don’t

By Terry | Donald Trump , economic decline , Government Monopoly , Government Spending , Health Decline , Hillary Clinton , Socialism

In 2016, before Trump was elected, sources reported that premiums on mid-level Obamacare health plans would rise on average 25% the next year. ABC reported: Overall, it’s shaping up to be the most difficult sign-up season since launched in 2013 and the computer system froze up.   Enrollment has been lower than initially projected, […]

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2016 Presidential Election- Lopsided Bias Concentrating on Dirt Not Real Issues.

By Terry | American Decline , Campaign Deception , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , media deception

While the media hammers away at Donald Trump’s character, the dirt on Hillary is swept under the carpet. The bias is obvious. The public naively laps it up. Our nation is mired in a massive mountain of debt. Foreign wars which have sucked away multiple Trillions of $ have dragged on for over a decade […]

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Trickle Down Economics? A Made Up Term That Doesn’t Exist in Economics

By Terry | Campaign Deception , Donald Trump , Government Deception , Hillary Clinton

Trickle Down Economics? There is No Such Thing. Leftist politicians like HIllary throw this term around as though it means something in economic theory. The problem is: to economists it is a made up term with no basis in actual economic theory. Just another political buzzword that is used to denigrate those who have and […]

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