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Category Archives for "American Decline"

This is What Happens When We Let Obama Get Away with Creating Laws at the Stroke of a Pen

By Terry | American Decline , Bill of Rights , collectivism , Constitutional , individualism , natural law , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

As I noted in my last post, Obama has no Constitutional authority to create laws at the stroke of a pen with his so-called “executive” orders. He has NO such authority granted to him under our rule of law, the document he took an oath to uphold and defend. If we let the executive undermine […]

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The Signs of Inflation are All Around Us

By Terry | American Decline , Central Banking Conspiracy , Economic Collapse , Government Spending , Inflation , National Debt

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”georgia” style=”italic” size=”scmgc-3em”]W[/dropcap]ent out to buy some stamps this afternoon. It got me to thinking about the inflation thingy. I bought my stamps. They no longer have a price on them, which as a former stamp collector as a kid, I find a bit odd. The USPS now calls them “Forever Stamps”. Supposedly, […]

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Why I Never Listen to the Nightly News- The Media Spin

By Terry | American Decline , Economic Collapse , Government Spending , media deception

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”amaranth” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]O[/dropcap]occasionally, I tune into the news. Usually on NPR because they are leftists and within a half an hour in the morning, I can get a read on what the globalist, one world government crowd is cooking up. Now, they pose themselves as unbiased but that is about as truthful as […]

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Is the Recent Stock Market Rise for Real?

By Terry | American Decline , Economic Collapse , Inflation , National Debt , Personal Liberty

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”brawler” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]T[/dropcap]he stock market has risen to record levels these past few weeks. Of course, the so-called financial experts in the media point to it and declare the beginnings of a recovery. Gold and silver have been moving sideways at best rising a little and then falling back down. The experts ask, […]

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Sequestration – Another Political Betrayal by the Liar in Chief and His Enablers Our Congress?

By Terry | American Decline , Government Spending

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”georgia” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]T[/dropcap]his sequestration talk turned out to be pretty much an over exaggeration. Even Obama ratcheted down his the sky is falling predictions. Can’t people see through Obama’s game by now? Build the State and bring the remnants of what is left of a once (but no longer) a free market under […]

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The Democracy Deception- “A Republic Madame, If You Can Keep It.” – Can we?

By Terry | American Decline , Constitutional , media deception , New World Order , Personal Liberty , The Constitution

Democracy Defined

One of the things that really gets my goat is when I hear the media and our so-called representatives, all the way up to the Presidential level, refer to our form of government as a Democracy. Most citizens have had this drilled into their head so frequently, they simply accept it without question now. The […]

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The Free Trade Deception – Part Three – Building Blocks of the New World Order

By Terry | American Decline , Conspiracy Facts , Constitutional , Free Trade , New World Order , The Constitution , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

free trade deception

In this part of the free trade series we discuss how these agreements are actually tied in to the New World Order spoken of by George W. Bush and other elite politicians, globally in fact. We are being railroaded agreement by agreement into a new world order or global governance under the UN.

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