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By Terry | Uncategorized
Two Muslim men and 3 Muslim woman have all been arrested in a remote location on the outskirts of Amalia, New Mexico. One of the Muslim men (Siraj Ibn Wahhaj) was armed with an AR15 loaded with 5 loaded- 30 round clips in his possession In addition to the AR15 there were also 4 loaded pistols, including one in Siraj’s pocket.
Additionally, 11 children (ages from 1 to 15) were also found on the compound. They were described as malnourished and starving.
Authorities were led to the location by a message one of the children apparently managed to text out saying they were starving there and needed water.
Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said the conditions he found the 11 children in (ages 1 to 16) were “the ugliest looking, filthiest” living conditions he’d witnessed”. He said he only saw some potatoes and a box of rice.
As the story unfolds, this appears to be a can of worms that just keeps producing worms. Turns out that Siraj Ibn Wahhaj had a son who went missing in December of 2017 from his home in Jonesboro, Georgia which is near Atlanta. The child was having epileptic seizures which Siraj felt were caused by demon possession. So, he apparently took the child to have him exorcised but never returned with the child.
Court documents stated that they found the remains of a child on the site which are currently undergoing study to determine if they are those of the missing son.
Court documents also say Wahhaj was conducting weapons training with assault rifles at the compound near the Colorado border and the remote New Mexico town of Amalia. The The location, marked by scattered homes and sage brush, was training who for what- you may ask?
Prosecutor Timothy Hasson wrote in the court documents on Wednesday 8/8/18 that Wahhaj “poses a great danger to the children found on the property as well as a threat to the community as a whole due to the presence of firearms and his intent to use these firearms in a violent and illegal manner,”
As it turns out, apparently this location was being used to train the children to conduct school shootings. In other words, it was a training cell for terrorists (in this case children) inside our borders. Some sources have said there are more locations doing the same scattered around the U.S. acting as terror training camps. Naturally, they are always passed off as conspiracy “theories”. Time to rethink that “theory” explanation it would seem.
And the hits just keep coming!
Turns out that the heavily armed Siraj Ibn Wahhaj from the camp is the son of Siraj Wahhaj from Brooklyn who happens to be the mentor of Linda Sarsour. The father is the one who asked for help finding the child, but he is also a highly radical Imam who calls for Jihad as all good Muslims are expected to do- according to former Muslims like Nonie Darwish who has written a number of books on Islam’s true belief structure having lived in Egypt for the first 30 years of her life.
While speaking to an Islamic Society of N. America convention last year- Linda Sarsour called for a “jihad” against President Trump and issued a shout out to the elder Wahhaj whom she called a “mentor, motivator and encourager” of hers.
Source: Linda Sarsour Praises Imam Siraj Wahhaj by BPR
In the same statement, Sarsour also said she was here to serve Allah and not please any people. However, this is a hypocrisy according to Nonie Darwish, who states in her book, Wholly Different that Muslims are heavily concerned about their public “face” and saving face in the Islamic community.
For example, they stone their woman for transgressions against their “sharia” law such as having relations out of wedlock, after being raped by the relative of their husband. Under sharia law, much of which is based on the life of the prophet Mohammed, woman don’t have many rights. Mohammed, took a wife of age 6 and consummated the marriage at her age of 9. Afterwards, sharia was changed to accommodate Mohammed’s actions, lowering the consent age of men with woman to 9. This is what Sarsour calls, “serving Allah” I suppose.
This is getting uglier and uglier. However, it is showing up this “religion” for what it is- an Anti-American and Anti-Non-Muslim (the cafir or enemies of Allah) group of violence oriented, indoctrination cult. One dangerous to our population and its citizens as well and not to be taken lightly, nor tolerated as just another “religion of peace” Read any of the books by Nonie Darwish below. You will be introduced to the real Islam which you do not get from the left, many authorities, the FBI or the left-stream media.
The fact that the left endorses and supports Islam, while it says nothing about their abuse of woman under sharia law, also tells you a lot about who they really are as well!!
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