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Category Archives for "Government conspiracy"

Judicial Watch Uncovers a Hidden Bombshell in the IG Report Tying Obama to the Investigation

By Terry | Constitutional , Government conspiracy , Government Deception , Hillary Clinton

A critical cloud hanging over the Clinton and Trump investigations which has been given almost no coverage, is the question of just how aware Barack Obama was of what was going on? Was President Obama mixed up in these probes in any way or simply kept out of the loop while they were conducted without […]

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Did the Obama Administration Spy on the Trump Campaign?

By Terry | Campaign Deception , Deception by Omission , Donald Trump , Government conspiracy , Government Deception , media deception , Presidential Campaign , Uncategorized

Obama has always been spun as lily white by the dutiful, leftist mainstream media. Guess that’s cause they have been directed to share his ideological dream of the State as supreme aka Marxism as the primary narrative. However, facts are rolling out now revealing how our intelligence agencies under Obama were used to spy on […]

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The Hypocrisy of Politicians- Corrine Brown Indicted and Found Guilty on 18 Charges of Fraud and Tax Evasion

By Terry | Government conspiracy , legalized theft

Caught stealing from her favorite charity, former Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown was found guilty on 18 of  22 fraud and tax evasion charges in a Jacksonville federal court. Brown served as a Florida representative in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1993 until 2017 vocally opposed to Republican policies of course. She was defeated in her […]

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If the Constitution Was the Solution- Why Hasn’t It Worked- Part Two

By Terry | anti God , anti religion , Constitutional , Government conspiracy , The Constitution

As noted in the first post on this issue, it’s pretty obvious that the Constitution is not working as we are told it was intended to. We have been led to believe it was originally designed to limit our government, in turn both protecting and maximizing our personal freedom. The flag is all wrapped around it. […]

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Oklahoma City Bombing – Precursor to 9/11?

By Terry | Conspiracy Facts , Deception by Omission , Government conspiracy , media deception , Personal Liberty

I never really watched anything on the Oklahoma City bombing before. However, after seeing this documentary offered for sale, I searched for it and found it on YouTube. [vsw id=”x6NfZa4daO4″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]  This documentary called Oklahoma City – A Noble Lie was made in 1995 right after the Murrah Building bombing which occurred […]

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New Rice or Old Rice- The Recipe for a Globalist as a Security Advisor Remains the Same

By Terry | American Decline , CFR , Council on Foreign Relations , Government conspiracy , media deception , New World Order , Trilateral Commission

Obama couldn’t get Susan E. Rice in as Secretary of State. She shot herself in the proverbial foot with her inaccurate and misleading statements about the Benghazi scandal which predictably seems to have been taken out of the public eye by the controlled media. Rice in the new world order cuisine of globalism seems to […]

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The Free Trade Deception- How They Are Being Used to Undermine Our Constitution- Part One

By Terry | American Decline , Constitutional , Government conspiracy , media deception , New World Order , The Constitution , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”geneva” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]Q[/dropcap]uite frankly the complacency with which Americans seem to accept everything they are told by people who have obviously already deceived them repeatedly (politicians and our government) is sometimes mind boggling to me. You would think by now, as lie after lie has been fed to us and uncovered, the knee […]

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