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Category Archives for "UN Deception"

Undermining Our Constitution- The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

By Terry | Free Trade , Government Deception , New World Order , The Constitution , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

We hear a variety of opinions about this thingy called the Trans Pacific Partnership. Let me save you some time, in the following paragraphs, I will tell any American concerned with their freedom, everything you really need to know about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Follow along and see. What is the TPP? The Trans […]

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Which Candidate is Better? Or the UN- To Be or Not to Be. I Say- Not to Be What say you?

By Terry | New World Order , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”bowlby” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]T[/dropcap]here will be a runoff election in New Jersey to replace the recently deceased Senator Frank Lautenberg. So the question arose on a Ron Paul support email list as to which candidate is better- a relatively unknown but decidedly conservative doctor Anita Eck or the more seasoned and known, Steve Lonegan. […]

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The Free Trade Deception – Part Three – Building Blocks of the New World Order

By Terry | American Decline , Conspiracy Facts , Constitutional , Free Trade , New World Order , The Constitution , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

free trade deception

In this part of the free trade series we discuss how these agreements are actually tied in to the New World Order spoken of by George W. Bush and other elite politicians, globally in fact. We are being railroaded agreement by agreement into a new world order or global governance under the UN.

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The Free Trade Deception- How They Are Being Used to Undermine Our Constitution- Part One

By Terry | American Decline , Constitutional , Government conspiracy , media deception , New World Order , The Constitution , U.S. Sovereignty , UN Deception

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”geneva” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]Q[/dropcap]uite frankly the complacency with which Americans seem to accept everything they are told by people who have obviously already deceived them repeatedly (politicians and our government) is sometimes mind boggling to me. You would think by now, as lie after lie has been fed to us and uncovered, the knee […]

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Gun Control- WalMart Throws Its Hat in the Ring

By Terry | Government conspiracy , Gun Control , Military , UN Deception

[dropcap color=”color-default” font=”arial” style=”oblique” size=”scmgc-3em”]Q[/dropcap]uite recently WalMart suspended it’s ammo orders pending a gun control decision. Why would a major retailer curtail the sales of anything pending legislation that has not even passed or been openly discussed in Congress. Isn’t Congress supposed to introduce and pass the laws according to our Constitution? Wouldn’t a change […]

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