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By Terry | Conspiracy Facts
All this talk about the deep state these days makes it seem like a recent discovery. The fact is a deep state has been developing in this nation for quite a few decades now. Much longer than anyone might suspect.
The 1983 video, the subversion factor, shown in this post covers facts related to the infiltration of our nation’s government by Marxist espionage agents. While that may sound conspiratorial to some, the events which took place that confirm this position appear along with names, dates, and photographs, or film clips.
[youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/qPHidjK1vP4″ controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]A few issues covered in the video include the following:
If you are sincerely interested in learning about how the deep state developed, part one of subversion tactics will tell you more than you ever expected.
In part two of this series, G. Edward Griffin will cover the tactics Communist agents used to shut down attacks on their covert infiltration through students and moles in government. These events and tactics led to what we see today in our political system, universities, and media euphemistically called “the deep state.”
It is far deeper than you can even imagine.
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