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By Terry | Conspiracy Facts
The French Revolution began unfortunately when great progress was being made towards reforms for the people. Contrary to Hollywood and revisionist history, the force behind the movement was not the revolutionaries but the supposed villain King Louis XVI who was in reality sympathetic to the people, not a harsh, dictatorial ruler as one might assume from some of the songs of Le Mis.
To determine the wishes of the people, a proclamation had been sent out by the King to the whole nation saying:
“His Majesty has desired that in the extremities of his kingdom and in the obscurest dwellings every man shall rest assured that his wishes and requests will be heard.”
The lists of grievances which followed this proclamation were compiled in what was known as the “cahiers”
Nesta Webster in “The French Revolution” notes that the “cahiers” were summed up that:
“The voice of the nation cried out for reform, for changes in the government, but all proclaimed respect for religion, loyalty to the King, and desire for law and order.”
Now, maybe they were a bit understated because of where they were going, but certainly they were more measured than one might
expect. Unfortunately, peaceful reform was not to follow. Plans for violent revolution were already underway by what was to become known as the Orleaniste Conspiracy.In brief, the main character in the Orleaniste Conspiracy was the Duke of Orleans. (Get it? Duke of Orleans…..and….OK, moving on.)
The Duke (no reference to the Duke’s of the movie Trading Places), was a nobleman of great wealth who had been recruited into the Illuminati by a dude named Mirabeau. Mirabeau plotted and succeeded in having the Duke elected to the Grand Master position of the Masonic Order in France which was part of the Illuminati’s plan to infiltrate the Masonic Lodges and use it as a base of operations in promoting violent revolution.
Out of the Masonic lodges in France came groups known as the Jacobin Clubs. It was the leadership of these clubs that provided the leadership for the events of the French Revolution. They began with a campaign of vilification against the King, the Queen and the nobles and priests. These were comprised of written slanders and oral rants which were designed to stir up class hatred. (A technique promoted by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto and used to this day. Racism anyone? It didn’t arise in a vacuum you know. BTW, bet ya didn’t know that Karl Marx corresponded with Abe Lincoln and encouraged the black slave class frame for the American Civil War. Class warfare was a part of the Illuminati’s tool chest and also very much a bed fellow of the Communist Manifesto.)
OK, let’s move on now to the beginnings of the French Revolution in 1789 in Part 4
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