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By Terry | Conspiracy Facts
The Illuminati, found by Jesuit and professor Adam Weishaupt, were ultimately discovered and banned. However, they resurfaced as the German Union, a reading society which shared literature and subscriptions with its members. (Publishing content was much more costly then it is today.) They eventually grew to 400 clubs all over Germany.
This control of publishing distribution also gave them control over the content allowing them to promote their authors and philosophy. It was this control which eventually allowed them to promote two of their primary tools socialism and racism. Ultimately this led to the embrace of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis- a socialist racist driven group.
In the video below, Art Thompson of JBS, also discusses their goals as the real story of the Illuminati continues with Episode 3 of Myths vs. Facts:
[youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/CRMJd3PgGiA” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”]http://bit.ly/2ukACda[/youtube_advanced]
To watch the first posted episode which covers facts related to the origins and confirmations of the existence of the Illuminati click here.
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