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By Terry | Donald Trump
Uh, “someone”? Don’t you think you should do a little better than “someone” when making a statement like that about our President there Mika?
How can anyone take media fools like her and her lover Joe seriously? They consistently twist facts, leave out important information and just flat out lie.
Mika is the daughter btw of Zbigniew Brzezinski, a one world government globalist who created the Rockefeller funded Trilateral Commission, a deep state operative organization pushing for One World Government or the New World Order as Kissinger, Daddy Bush and even Obama calls it.
With a pedigree like that is it any wonder that she will lie and manipulate facts to denigrate someone like Donald Trump who wishes to cast off the State and return America to its citizens?
Meanwhile, catch the disconnect here. While Mika is spreading uncorroborated rumors about Trump and porn in the White House in an attempt to further denigrate him, she and her cronies were busily defending porn star Stormy Daniels “dignity”.
This was after Rudy Guiliani said that he respects everyone but doesn’t respect a porn star the way he respects a career woman.
She (Mika) called him (Guiliani) a pig. Hmmm….let’s see if I have this straight.
Rudy is a pig for not adoring a porn star but Stormy Daniels is not?
Mika further elaborated that Rudy has taken us back decades. Decades? Really?
Uh, seems to me it’s the other way around.
A TV news reporter decades ago would never have dared to raise a topic like this on air, let alone protect the reputation of a porn star.
Uh, Mika, in case you haven’t noticed but being a porn star is not exactly viewed as an uplifting profession for woman. Isn’t it instead rather submissive and degrading? Is that really a direction you think woman should be moving in to cull respect?
If so, why would you object to Donald Trump watching it in the White House? Maybe he was just doing some research on Stormy right?
But really, how many parents would proudly champion their daughter as a porn professional to their friends?
I don’t know of many that would brag about it. I mean, can you imagine Stormy’s parents bragging about her starring role in “Trailer Trash Nurses 6” at the annual Thanksgiving gathering? Even worse would be one of the guests replying with, “Oh yeah, that was one of her better ones!”
I also cannot recall hearing about any degrees or professional training for porn stars. On the other hand, observing our Universities in these times, let me qualify that with a- yet.
Who knows with the cultural Marxists teaching in “higher education” will come up with in the future which they dare to label “education”.
Leftists sure do back some bizarre causes. Then again, perhaps it is simply a side effect of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), i.e., mental deterioration and hypocrisy.
I sure hope the voters keep this kind of moral insanity in mind at the polls in November. Or is our nation more morally bankrupt than we know? Guess we’ll all find out in November.
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