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The NAFTA Agreement Replacement Isn’t Better- It’s Worse- Way Worse!

By Terry | Deception by Omission , Donald Trump , Government Deception , New World Order

NAFTA 2.0 Agreement

All along, I have applauded Donald Trump’s attempts to “drain the swamp”, and reduce regulatory control over business and, in turn, people. However, I am also better informed than most on this trade issue, a fiscal conservative and anti-Federal Reserve. I have a more than passing interest in these supposedly “free” trade agreements. I think […]

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Undercover Video By Project Veritas Reveals Deep State Communists Working in Federal Government

By Terry | Deception by Omission , Government conspiracy , Government Deception , New World Order

Nataraj Subramanian- DSA Operative in the GAO

Yes, that is correct- Communists. And no, I am not related to Joe McCarthy and neither is Project Veritas. We’re both just relating facts not theories. In fact, in this undercover video by Project Veritas, an auditor for the GAO, Natarajan Subramanian, not only brags about membership of Democratic Socialists in the U.S. Government, but […]

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Paul Manafort Now Ready to Compose on Donald Trump to Save His Own Skin

By Terry | Deception by Omission , Government conspiracy , Government Deception

Manafort Worried

Is Paul Manafort Now Flipping on Trump to Save His Skin? Manafort Had a Choice to Comply or Compose. Looks Like It Is Compose! The liars on the left are probably ecstatic over this. Manafort will say anything rather than face an absurdly ridiculous sentence which essentially amounts to life. Wouldn’t you? Really, facing life […]

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Argentina’s Economy Still Struggling to Recover From Years of High Spending and Government Interventionism

By Terry | economic decline , Inflation , Socialism

Argentina Barter Market

Argentina was once one of the world’s wealthiest Nations– 100 years ago, Now it is paying dearly for Its government controlled economy and central bank deficit spending. In 2001, in Argentina, there was a run on the bank due to running high deficit spending thanks to the their central banking system, which like our Federal […]

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MS13 and Other Criminals Sneaking Across Border- Embedded in Family Units of Illegals

By Terry | Government Deception , Illegal Immigration , New World Order

President Trump has been consistently attacked by Democrats, the media, open border activists and the courts for holding adults for criminal and deportation processing apart from minors found with them at the border. They loudly scream to abolish ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) which even goes up to elected representatives along with potential representatives […]

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Child-Abuse Charges Dropped Against New Mexico Jihadists Because the DA Missed the Court Deadline

By Terry | Government Deception , Radical Islam

New Mexico Child Abuse Dropped

One has to wonder if the fix is now in on this case of the five New Mexico jihadists who trained 11 children, discovered in starved condition, to carry out school shootings. Child-abuse charges, which appeared rightful based on the discoveries, against three of the suspects were dropped because the district attorney missed the deadline […]

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