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Category Archives for "Government Deception"

Tearful Plea for the Migrants (Illegal Immigrants) Who Have Died – From Texas Dem But…..

By Terry | Deception by Omission , Government Deception , Illegal Immigration

Illegal Border Death Address

Texas Democrat Representative, Veronica Escobar delivered an impassioned plea for compassion and a moment of silence for Oscar (Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his 2 year old daughter Valeria who represent the: tens of thousands of migrants (aka illegal immigrants) who have died as they have tried to build a better life for themselves, only to […]

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Tucker Carlson Reports on Impact of Illegals on Tijuana and Environment- Lies Cry the Left!

By Terry | American Decline , Government Deception , Illegal Immigration , media deception

Arizona Border Trash impact

While the media covers up the impact of immigrants and their economic cost, there is a negative environmental impact that is never mentioned. Costing states alone $89 Billion, illegal immigrants also leave a trail of trash behind when they enter and where they settle. Tucker Carlson reports the truth about this and the media jumps all over him for it.

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Texas Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional. Dems Promising “Tooth and Nail” Fight to Keep It.

By Terry | Constitutional , Government Deception , Obamacare , The Constitution

Obamacare ruled unconstitutional

Once the individual mandate was eliminated from Obamacare, it lost the Constitutional element in the Trump tax plan that the Supreme Court used to pass it- the ability of the Federal government to tax its citizens. Now, after a suit by 20 State Attorney General’s a Texas Federal Judge has ruled that it is unconstitutional. Is Obamacare now on the way out? The Supreme Court may determine that once again.

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