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Swedish Dental Hygienist Fired for Exposing the Truth About Migrant “Children” Who Are Adults

By Terry | Conspiracy Facts , Government Deception , Illegal Immigration

As reported in RT, which is Russia Today- a Moscow based news agency. (Unfortunately, we have to get this news from Moscow not our Western governments. Nevertheless, truth is truth even if it does have an insidious intent to undermine confidence in your own non-Communist government.) A Swedish dental hygienist, Bernt Herlitz, was fired, after his […]

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Look Who Is Offended By Criticism? Absolutely Laughable- Not to Mention the Obvious Hypocrisy and Double Standard

By Terry | Donald Trump , media deception

Nasty Pelosi, who hasn’t had a kind word for Donald Trump since the election results, tweeted out offense at Donald Trump’s references to Marxine Waters during his most recent rally. More hypocrisy from the Dems! Marxine has done nothing but attack and threaten Donald Trump since he defeated his protected-by-insider-elites, criminal opponent- Hillary. Threatening to […]

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Illuminati, Myths versus Facts- The Difference Between the French Revolution and the American Revolution Were the Illuminati

By Terry | atheism , French Revolution , Illuminati

Many Americans believe that the American Revolution and the French Revolution were the same. They were not. They were driven by completely different ideologies. For example, the American Revolution was based on securing God-given rights and limiting the intrusion of government, Its result produced more liberty for the people. While there was blood shed, it […]

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Senator Gillibrand Shows Democrats Hand While Creating a Falsehood About the Appointment of Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch

By Terry | Government Spending , Hillary Clinton , Personal Liberty

If you want to give Gillibrand, a potential Presidential candidate for the Democratic party in 2020, the benefit of the doubt, you could say she was simply misinformed. Despite attempts to bail her out by the CNN moderator, liberal Chris Cuomo, Gillibrand claimed that Justice Gorsuch did not get one Democrat vote. She was wrong, […]

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When It Comes to the Left- Labels Mean Exactly the Opposite of What You Think- Ask Sarah Sanders

By Terry | Donald Trump , Government Deception , Government Spending , Illegal Immigration , media deception

Did You Ever Notice How the Labels of the Left Are Completely the Opposite of What They Actually Practice. They call for free speech but then shout down or riot when someone with a view they don’t subscribe to shows up. They claim tolerance and broad mindedness but actually practice just the opposite of their […]

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Peter Schiff- Out of the Box Economist – Predicting A Huge Wave of Inflation Will Engulf the Planet

By Terry | Economic Collapse , Federal Reserve , Inflation , National Debt , New World Order

One thing to keep in mind about these Fed rate increases is that we are a nation mired in a massive amount of debt. (over $21.1 Trillion). Every ratchet upwards increases the service on that debt accordingly. It’s kind of like driving a car at a high rate of speed. Just a small movement on […]

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The American Illuminati? The Revolutionary War Connection. Episode 4 of Myths vs. Facts

By Terry | Conspiracy Facts , Illuminati , New World Order

In this episode of Myths vs. Facts, Art Thompson of JBS, covers the American connection to the Illuminati. Rarely covered in literature on this group is the American membership mentioned. Two key American Revolution figures discussed in this episode are Thomas Paine and the Marquis de Lafayette. Paine wrote Common Sense which helped stimulate the […]

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Judicial Watch Uncovers a Hidden Bombshell in the IG Report Tying Obama to the Investigation

By Terry | Constitutional , Government conspiracy , Government Deception , Hillary Clinton

A critical cloud hanging over the Clinton and Trump investigations which has been given almost no coverage, is the question of just how aware Barack Obama was of what was going on? Was President Obama mixed up in these probes in any way or simply kept out of the loop while they were conducted without […]

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Trump Derangement Syndrome Examples- Nuclear War and Economic Collapse is Better Than Donald Trump

By Terry | Cultural Marxism , Donald Trump , media deception , New World Order , Uncategorized

The following video provides two examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). it additionally demonstrates how twisted media inspired ideology can make you. The current media induced malady is known as Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS for short. Persons severely infected with this malady are so deranged that they may be convinced that nuclear war and […]

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