More of the thinking public has become aware of how little real news mainstream media actually reports these days. Fact is, only six major corporations own about 90% of our media.
Thirty years ago, the control was shared by about 50 Corporations. Still small, it at least allowed for more diversity. This is no longer the case.
Today, for example, Time Warner owns TNT, TBS, and CNN. Not surprisingly, they all repeat the same talking points with the same “major” stories all being covered at the same time.
With a media monopoly, there is no diversity of opinion permissible because as Lord Acton of the 19th century put it: Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Today, we are given the illusion of choice rather than a real choice from our media sources.
You get a selected point of view designed to produce a selected effect. The same narrative is repeated throughout all of the media with perhaps only Fox, One America News and a few others offering a differing point of view.
This is intentional deception by omitting facts that don’t fit their world view. You are expected to adopt the approved world view without question which is why Donald Trump’s election has engendered such opposition. He doesn’t- and he isn’t afraid to make it public. He’s messing with their timeline and they don’t like it.
With today’s corporate-controlled media monopoly, I think it is fair to make a few assumptions:
One thing to always remember however is that corporations actually control nothing– people do. It’s easy to blame government or corporations but that objectifies the control- making it a meaningless mystery. However, behind those institutions are the people controlling them to serve their interests and goals of mass control- aka as the New World Order (NWO). (See the video below for a compilation of powerful people evoking the NWO)
[youtube_advanced url=”” controls=”no” rel=”no” theme=”light”][/youtube_advanced]Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without. – Merovingian character in Matrix Reloaded
The “illusion” is created through the control of information via the approved narrative of those in power.
The control of information is produced by the monopoly control over our information sources. The result is a system of indoctrination that applies in our public education and universities as well.
Unfortunately, a little objective search reveals that our children are not being educated but rather indoctrinated– into the approved narrative. A former educator and political appointee, Charlotte Iserbyt in President Reagan’s administration referred to this phenomena as The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America in her book by the same name.
The purpose of this blog is to provide an alternative to the spoon feeding of the media cartel’s approved narrative or world view. Also, when possible, identify the people responsible as well.
This is not easy to do as all the public ever sees are their hired hands (like Obama and Bush). They intentionally operate in the shadows in order to facilitate their plans without interference.
By filling in the purposeful blanks left in their reporting with facts intentionally omitted, my intent is to help flesh out the intentionally unstated plans of the power brokers who seek to control it all, including you and I.
The media monopoly is no accident. It is as ancient as man’s history. The truth is- the wealthy and those with power have been attempting to direct us to fit into their needs, for thousands of years.
My desire is that you see the facts presented as reality by the media monopoly with a clearer vision of the intent behind their take on reality.
Form your own opinions in place of having your opinions created in a nice little package for you by the media monopoly according to their approved narrative.
I’d like to inject some truth, even if unpopular, into the course of the information flow, instead of watching the freedoms we are supposed to have disappear into an intended tyranny.
If you feel the same, check out this blog. I believe it will help keep you aware and awake to the planned “plantation” the left wants us all to inhabit (borrowed from Dinesh D’Souza’s Death of a Nation)
Feel free to offer your own civil comments as well. We have more than enough crude incivility from the left already, don’t you think? When they go low…..please, don’t join them. Be better than that.